Election Officer MCQs from Constitution of Pakistan 1973
Here, you can get Election Officer MCQs from the Constitution of Pakistan 1973. These MCQs are related to Pakistan’s Constitution 1973. As Election Officer 17 test syllabus contains about a 30% portion of Pakistan’s constitution, therefore, it is high time to cover the constitutional history of Pakistan especially of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan MCQs.

Election Officer Test Syllabus 2020 has been issued by a press release by Election Commission. We are providing Solved MCQs on the 1973 Constitution for Election Officer Test Preparation has been started on our paid members areas. As per the Election Commission of Pakistan has issued a press release about the Election Officer jobs 2020 syllabus on 22 December 2020, 30% Mcqs will be from 1973 constitution of Pakistan. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 ( Pan-I, II & VIII) and Election Act 2017 (30%). This time election commission of Pakistan has changed the syllabus and pattern of the exam as previously conducted pattern in Election Officer past papers. Election Commission of Pakistan has also not announced Election Officer test dates 2020 yet but they have advised the aspirants of Election Officer jobs 2020 to regularly visit the website of the election commission of Pakistan about the information of test date and the examination centre about Election Officer test too.
Constitution of Pakistan 1973 MCQs for Election Officer 17 test

- The Constitution of 1973 was enforced on 14 August________
Answer: 1973
- The Constitution consists of ____ Articles
Answer: 280
- It consists of ____ Chapters
Answer: 14
- It consists of ____ Schedules
Answer: 7
- The Constitution of 1973 provides a ________ form of government
Answer: Parliamentary
- ____ Article claimed that the president was to be the “Head of the state”
Answer: 41
- The tenure of the president will be ____ years
Answer: 5
- ____ Amendment authorized the president to dissolve the National Assembly
Answer: 5th and 8th
- The state shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minorities including their due representation in Federal and provincial Services is provided by Article___ of the Constitution 1973
Answer: 36
- Article ____ of the Constitution, deals with the promotion of social justice and eradication of social evils
Answer: 37
- In the Constitution of 1973 minimum age limit for a president is held
Answer: Not less than forty-five (45 years of age)
- Before entering upon office under Article ____ the president shall make oath before the Chief Justice of Pakistan
Answer: 178
- President is empowered by Article ___ of the Constitution to grant pardon, reprieve, and respite and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence
Answer: 45
- President can be removed from his office by the parliament on the ground of physical or mental incapacity or misconduct through____
Answer: Process of impeachment
- Article ____ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with the removal or impeachment of the President
Answer: 47
- Article 48 of the Constitution of 1973 bounds the president to act upon the advice of_____
Answer: Prime Minister
- Article 49 of the Constitution of 1973 empowers ___ to perform the function of President in absence
Answer: Chairman
- Constitution of 1973 provides ___ kind of Parliament
Answer: Bicameral
- Lower House of Pakistan parliament is called
Answer: National Assembly
- ____ is Upper House of Parliament
Answer: Bicameral federal legislature / Senate
- Duration of National Assembly is 5 years, as provided in Article ____
Answer: 52
- Balochistan has ___ total Seat in National Assembly
Answer: 17
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has ___ General Seats in National Assembly
Answer: 43
- Punjab has ___ total Seats in National Assembly
Answer: 183
- Total strength of National Assembly members is ____
Answer: 342
- Seat reserved for women from Sindh in the National Assembly is ___
Answer: 14
- Federal Capital area has ___ seats in the National Assembly
Answer: 2
- Fata has ___ seats for women in the National Assembly
Answer: 12
- Minimum age for membership of the National Assembly is ___
Answer: Not less than 25 years of age
- Under Article 58 the President shall dissolve the National Assembly at advice of ____
Answer: Prime Minister
- National Assembly is presided by ___
Answer: Speaker
- Constitution of 1973 provides ____ elections for President
Answer: Indirect
- Under Article ____ of the Constitution the Senate shall constitution the Senate shall consist 104 members
Answer: 59
- Each province has ___ seats in the Senate
Answer: 14
- There are ____ seats for technocrats in the Senate
Answer: 4
- There are ___ seats for non-Muslims in the Senate of Pakistan
Answer: 1
- The system of election adopted for Senate in Constitution of 1973 is called ____
Answer: General election
- Term and Tenure of Senate membership is ___ years
Answer: 5 years
- A person shall not be qualified to be elected or chosen a member of parliament unless he fulfills the qualification according to Article ___ of the Constitution of 1973
Answer: 62
- Article 63 of the constitution of 1973 deals with disqualification of ____.
(Members of National Assembly and Senate members
- A person who holds fuel citizenship is disqualified for membership of parliament as provided in ____
Answer: 63
- Disqualification on grounds of the defection of members of parliament is provided in Article ___ of the Constitution
Answer: 63
- Article 66 of the Constitution deals with the privileges of ____
Answer: Members of Parliament
- The Presiding Officer of the Senate is called ____
Answer: Chairman
- Minimum age for the candidate of the Senate is ____
Answer: Must be aged 25 or older
- It is restricted in Article ___ of the Constitution that no discussion shall take place in Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament with respect to the conduct of any judge of the Supreme Court and a High Court in the discharge of his duties
Answer: 68
- Article ___ of the Constitution of 1973 describes the procedure for the introduction and passing of bills in parliament
Answer: 70
- A bill can be pass by ___ in both houses of the Parliament
Answer: 2/3 majority of the total membership
- According to the Constitution of 1973 money bill can only be introduced in ___
Answer: National Assembly
- Article 62 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with qualification of.
(Judge of Supreme Court C
- Article 89 of the Constitution of 1973 empowers ___ to promulgate Ordinances
Answer: President
- Formation of a cabinet is provided in ____
Answer: 92
- Under Article 90 of the Constitution of 1973 the executive authority of the Federation shall be exercised in the name of the president by ____
Answer: President by the Federal Government, consisting of the Prime Minister
- ____ is the head of the Cabinet
Answer: Prime Minister
- According to Article 92 of the 1973 Constitution the number of Federal Ministers and Ministers of State who are _____
Answer: One-fourth of the number
- Before entering upon office a Federal Minister or Minister of State the Minister shall make oath before ____
Answer: Prime Minister
- According to Article 93 of the Constitution the president can appoint ___ advisors on the advice of the Prime Minister
Answer: Not more than 5 advisors
- Article 95 of the Constitution deals with the Vote of no Confidence against ____
Answer: Prime Minister
- A resolution for a vote of no confidence needs to be moved by not less than ___ % members of the National Assembly against the Prime Minister
Answer: 20%
- The President shall appoint a person being a person qualified to be appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court to be the ___ under Article 100 of the Constitution of 1973
Answer: Attorney-General for Pakistan
- Under Article 101 of the Constitution of 1973 President appoint a ___ on the advice of the Prime Minister
Answer: Governor for each Province
- To become an Attorney General of Pakistan the person must have qualification _____
Answer: To be appointed a Judge of Supreme Court
- Minimum age limit for appointment of a person as Governor under Article 101 of the Constitution of 1973____
Answer: Not less than thirty-five years of age
- Before entering upon office the Governor shall make oath before____.
(Chief Justice of the High Court
- In absence of Governor of Province ___ will perform Governors functions.
(Chief Minister of Province
- Article____ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with the Constitution of Provincial Assemblies
Answer: 106
- Governor has the power to dissolve the Provincial Assembly as Provided by Article 112 at the advice of ___
Answer: Chief Minister
- Article 113 of the Constitution deals with qualification and disqualifications for _____
Answer: Membership of Provincial Assembly
- ____ is Chief Executive of the Province
Answer: Chief Minister
- ____ is head of the province
Answer: Chief Minister
- Article ____ of the Constitution of 1973 empowers Provincial Assembly to pass a vote of no confidence against Chief-Minister
Answer: 136
- To move a resolution for a vote of no confidence against Chief Minister Provincial Assembly will need the support of ____ total membership
Answer: 20%
- Article ___ of the Constitution 1973 deals with the appointment of the Advocate General
Answer: 140
- Advocate-General is appointed by the ____
Answer: Governor of the State
- To become Advocate-General the person must be qualified to be ____.
(A Judge of the High Court
- It shall be the duty of the ____ to give advice to the Provincial Government upon legal matters and to perform other duties of legal character
Answer: Advocate-General
- Administrative relations between the Federation and Provinces are dealt with by Articles ___ to ___ of the Constitution
Answer: 145–152
- Article___ of the Constitution of 1973 empower Federation to acquire land for Federal Purpose
Answer: 152
- The Council formed under Article 153 of the Constitution of 1973 is known as ____
Answer: Council of Common Interests
- The President under Article ___ of the Constitution shall constitute the National Economic Council
Answer: 156
- The National Economic Council shall consist ___ members
Answer: 10
- Article 160 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with ____
Answer: National Finance Commission
- Article ____ declare Federal Government owner of all lands, minerals, and other things of value within the continental shelf or underlying the ocean beyond the territorial waters of Pakistan
Answer: 172
- Article ___ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with the constitution of the Supreme Court
Answer: 176
- The Chief Justice of Pakistan shall be appointed by the ____
Answer: President
- A judge of the Supreme Court holds office until he attains the age of _____
Answer: 65 years
- Before entering upon office the chief justice of Pakistan shall make oath before the ____
Answer: President
- Article 175A, provided ___ for the appointment of judges of Supreme Court, High Courts, and Federal Shariat Court
Answer: Supreme Judicial Council
- The Constitution of 1973 declared Pakistan as ____
Answer: The state religion of Pakistan
- According to Article 1, the territories of Pakistan comprise ____
Answer: Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, and Islamabad Capital Territory
- Islam to be the State religion of Pakistan as provided in ___ of the Constitution of 1973
Answer: 2
- According to Article 2A Objective Resolution is ___ Part of the Constitution
Answer: Substantive
- To enjoy the protection of the law and to be treated in accordance with the law is the right
Answer: Primary
- Loyalty to the ____ is the basic duty of every citizen
Answer: State
- No person shall be compelled to do that which the ___ does not require him to do
Answer: Constitution
- Obedience to the Constitution and law is the inviolable ____ of every person living in Pakistan
Answer: Obligation
- Loyalty to state and obedience to Constitution and law is the basic duty of every citizen of Pakistan and it is provided in _____
Answer: Article 5
- Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspiresto abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance the constitution shall be guilty of ____
Answer: High treason
- The act of high treason is defined under ____ of the Constitution 1973
Answer: Article 6
- An act of high treason shall not be validated by any ___including the Supreme Court and a High Court
Answer: Court
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