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ELECTION OFFICERs (BS-17) Solved Past Papers MCQs in PDF

Here, you will find ELECTION OFFICER Solved Past Papers MCQs of the 2015 Exam. You can also download these ELECTION OFFICERs (BS-17) Past Papers in pdf.

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Syllabus of Election Officer BPS 17

ELECTION OFFICERs (BS-17) Past Papers pdf MCQs

These are the MCQs which are taken from the past papers of the Election Officers tests.

  1. The time period of a senator is 6 years.
  2. Khewra mines are at Jehlum.
  3. The Current NAB chairman Justice (R) Javed Iqbal.
  4. Election 2013 took place on 11th May 2013.
  5. The age of the President of Pakistan should be 45 years.
  6. Pakistan opened its first embassy in Iran.
  7. Minority seats in National Assembly are 10.
  8. NADRA ordinance promulgated in 2000
  9. Headquarter of NATO is in Brussels.
  10. Permanant secretariat of SAARC is at katmandu.
  11. Jannat Baqi is in Madina.
  12. The original name of Imam Bukhari is Ismail?
  13. Kissing of Hajr-e-Aswad is Istalam.
  14. Bangladesh seprated from Pakistan on 16 th Dec 1971.
  15. The objective resolution was passed on 12th March 1949.
  16. The second constitution of Pakistan was enforced on 8 June 1962
  17. The Governor of KPK is Shah Farman.
  18. Naval Cheif of Pakistan? M Amjad Khan Niazi NI(M)
  19. Pakistan Iran gas pipeline is known as the peace pipeline.
  20. Pakistan China signed 46 billion dollars pacts. (Now it has enhanced to 62Bn$)
  21. Are You Looking for MCQs of Election Officer Act 2017?

  22. Foreign Minister of India is Bharath Subramaniyam
  23. President of China Zing jing ping?
  24. First constitution on March 23, 1956.
  25. Indian National Congress formed in 1885.
  26. Govt India Act introduced in 1935.
  27. Quid e Azam joined the Muslim league in 1913.
  28. Nehru report brought in 1928?
  29. First President of Pakistan? Mirza became the first president of the country.
  30. Partition plan 3rd June.
  31. Pakistan 6th largest in population. (Now it has crossed the Brazil and standing as 5th largest population in the world)
  32. The duration of CEC is 3 years.
  33. Last census of Pakistan in 1998. (But now it is 2017)
  34. Turn out in general elections 2013 was?
  35. The country with no veto power is Canada.
  36. Diamir Basha Dam constructed on? River Indus
  37. Cultivated land in Pakistan is 25%.
  38. Non-permanant members in UNO are 10.
  39. Pakistan shares the longest border with? India (The Pakistan-India border is almost 2,912 kilometers long. It beats Afghanistan which has 2,400 kilometers long)
  40. Nisab of zakat on silver is 52 1/2.
  41. Two times bismillah in surah Namal.
  42. 1st country to recognize Pakistan? IRAN
  43. The deputy speaker of NA? Mr. Qasim Khan Suri
  44. The current minister for religious affairs is Noor-ul-Haq Qadri
  45. k2 height? 8,611 meters
  46. The current chairman senate? Sadiq Sanjrani
  47. Constitution which declared Pakistan an Islamic republic? 1956
  48. 26 amendments in the constitution so far
  49. The state bank of Pakistan inauguration on? 1948
  50. UN formed on  24 October 1945
  51. Pakistan joined the UN on?  Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) on 30 September 1947 just over a month after it came into existence
  52. HQs of int court of justice? Hague
  53. When the first constitution of Pakistan came into being? 23rd March 1956

NOTE: These MCQs are taken from users who appeared in the ELECTION OFFICERs (BS-17) 2015 test therefore, some MCQs are updated while others will be updated whenever it is required. If you find any obsolete information, please write in the comment box below. Please share the rest of the MCQs in the comment box if you remember.

MCQs of Election Officer Commission Act 2017

Election Act 2017 Solved MCQs

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Election Act 2017 MCQs by CSS MCQs

Election officer MCQs books in pdf

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ELECTION OFFICERs (BS-17) Past Papers in pdf now

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. umera

    When Pakistan joined the UN, An organization of independent states formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security?

    1. Farhan khan

      Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) on 30 September 1947 just over a month after it came into existence

  2. Sumi786

    Aoa sir please upload more mcqs related to election officer thanks regard sumair from karachi

  3. Sajid Ali

    Foreign minister of india is now “subramaniyam”

    Sushma siraj is dead.

  4. Asif

    Aslam o alaikum all , can anybody send me preparations matrial for election officer at [email protected]

  5. Asad ali

    Please update the mcqs related to enlish

  6. Farhana

    please send me the more repeated mcqs in election officer test

  7. Farhana

    please give me authentic more Sites and material for the preparation of election officer test

    1. Farhan khan

      Kindly focus on past papers and English and Constitution with election act 2017 portions of the said test. These are what will make the difference.
      Good Luck!

  8. Muhammad zubair

    kindly send me relevant course which support me to attempt the paper.thank you

    1. Farhan khan

      Election officer Mcqs past papers pdf books for job

      Here, you can download Election officer Mcqs past papers pdf books for upcoming jobs exams.

      1). Election Officer Guide Dogar Brothers.

      2). Election Officer Guide #2


      3). Constitution Of Pakistan


      4). Election Act 2017.


      5). Inspector Guide Dogar Brothers


      6). Wren and Martin for English


  9. GM Awan

    Really Great Contribution, thanks

    1. Farhan khan

      Thank you!
      Stay happy and work hard but smart.

  10. Bilal

    What will come in English part? Are essay and precis expected ?

    1. Farhan khan

      This time, there will no English Essay or precis because

      1. English 30%
      2. The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 (Part I, II & VIII) and
      Elections Act, 2017 30%
      3. Islamiyat 10%
      4. Pakistan Affairs 10%
      5. Current Affairs 10%
      6. Everyday Science 10%
      and it will be an MCQs based paper.

    2. Farhan khan

      No, this time, English or precis is not included in the syllabus.

If the aforementioned Answer is Wrong. Leave a Reply with an authentic source.