FREE ACCOUNT OFFER from 11 Sept – 13 Sept 2021 ONLY


Guys, someone, most probably our competitor, is constantly rating our Playstore APP from various accounts with 1Star as per his resources which, in return, is ranking down our APP.

CSS free account OFFER for 3 days only
CSS free account OFFER for 3 days only
Therefore, You all are requested to help us out in this fight. Recently, our ranking went down from 1st to 2nd in Playstore and rating from 4.9 to 4.8. Let’s counter the effect of those views by proving positive feedback with 5stars, please!!!! Go and download it if you’ve not yet and provide 5stars. “Free account offer”
Furthermore, if you rate our app with 5 stars and make an account by the same name and email HERE ( and write down in payment that you have given 5 stars. We will provide you with a free account on our platform which costs 250Rs these days and will be 1000Rs onwards October.
So, you will be capable to have solved CSS MCQS PAST PAPERS FROM 2005-2021 free of cost
NOTE: Please note that this offer is for 3 days only because it is acknowledged that by giving such an offer, soon we will get our previous position. 