Geography Questions | World Geography MCQs with Answers pdf
Here, you will have Geography Questions of World Geography MCQs with Answers pdf. These Geography Questions and Answers are very helpful in gaining General Knowledge. These Geography MCQs are given with their proper Answers and can be downloaded in pdf which is given at the end of this page. These General Knowledge MCQ of geography questions and answers are equally important for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, NTS and all other competitive exams. Thus, These are helpful For Nts Test, Ppsc Test, Fpsc Test, Bpsc Test, Spsc Test, Kpkpsc Test and Ajkpsc Test preparation.

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Geography Questions | World Geography General Knowledge MCQs
S no | Geography Questions | Answers |
1 | The total area of the earth is: | 510,072,000 sq. km |
2 | Earth has an equatorial circumference of: | 24,901.461 miles |
3 | The ratio between land and oceans contains | 70.8% and 29.2% |
4 | The total area of oceans contain | 361,132 million sq, km |
5 | The total area of the earth is greater than area of US. | 52 times |
6 | The highest part of earth is: | Mt. Everest |
7 | The lowest part of earth is: | Dead sea |
8 | The deepest part of earth is: | Mariana trench |
9 | Earth surface is divided into continents. | 7 |
10 | Asia is the largest continent with the area of : | 44,391,162 sq km |
11 | Asia comprises of the land area. | 30% |
12 | The highest point of Asia is | Mt. Everest |
13 | 2nd largest continent by area is | Africa |
14 | Total area of Africa is | 30,365,700 sq km |
15 | Africa has of the total area of the earth | 20.3% |
16 | The highest point of Africa is | Mt. Kilimanjaro |
17 | Lowest point of Africa is | Lake Assal |
18 | 3rd largest continent on earth is | North America |
19 | Total area of North America is | 24,247,039 sq km |
20 | North America contains of the total area of the earth | 16.3% |
21 | The highest point of north America | Mt, McKinly |
22 | Lowest point of north America | Death valley |
23 | Total area of South America is | 17,858,000 sq km |
24 | South America contains total area of the earth is | 8.9% |
25 | Highest point of south America is | Mt, Aconcagua |
26 | Lowest point of south America is | Valdes peninsula |
27 | Total area Antarctica is | 14,200,000 sq km |
28 | Antarctica contains area of the earth is | 8.2% |
29 | Total area of Europe is | 10,400,000 sq km |
30 | Europe comprises of the land area | 6.7% |
31 | Highest point of Europe is | Mt. Elbrus |
32 | Lowest point of Europe is | Caspian sea |
33 | Total area of Australia is | 7,686,884 sq km |
34 | Australia contains are of the earth is | 5.2% |
35 | Highest point of Australia is | Mt, Kosciusko |
36 | Lowest point of Australia is | Lake Eyre |
37 | About of the earth’s crust is composed of aluminum | 8.2% |
38 | The deepest part of ocean is | Mariana trench |
39 | The greatest depth in the Indian ocean is | Java trench |
40 | The highest waterfall of the world is | Angel waterfall |
41 | Death valley of California is famous for: | Hottest area |
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