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100 Important Dawn Vocabulary List with Meaning | 31st July, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, expanding one’s vocabulary is essential for effective communication and comprehension. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who loves to read, having a strong vocabulary can significantly improve your understanding of complex texts and enhance your ability to express ideas clearly. Here, we present an extensive list of important vocabulary words, along with their meanings, to help you broaden your linguistic horizons. This list is especially curated from the daily vocabulary featured in the Dawn newspaper, ensuring that the words are relevant and contemporary.

Vocabulary List

Vocabulary (1-20)

  1. Conundrum (معمہ) – A confusing and difficult problem or question.
  2. Paragons (نمونے) – Models of excellence or perfection.
  3. Autocrats (آمر) – Rulers who have absolute power.
  4. Hegemony (غلبہ) – Leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group.
  5. Neoliberal (نئی آزاد منڈی) – Relating to a modified form of liberalism tending to favor free-market capitalism.
  6. Consensus (اتفاق رائے) – General agreement.
  7. Redistribution (دوبارہ تقسیم) – Distribution of something in a different way, typically to achieve greater social equality.
  8. Charisma (دلکشی) – Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.
  9. Hyperinflation (انتہائی مہنگائی) – Monetary inflation occurring at a very high rate.
  10. Opprobrium (ملامت) – Harsh criticism or censure.
  11. Viable (قابل عمل) – Capable of working successfully.
  12. Pyrrhic (خونریزی سے بھرپور فتح) – Achieved at excessive cost.
  13. Emigration (ہجرت) – The act of leaving one’s own country to settle permanently in another.
  14. Sanctions (پابندیاں) – Penalties or other means of enforcement used to provide incentives for obedience with the law or rules.
  15. Mediation (ثالثی) – Intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it.
  16. Stabilization (استحکام) – The process of making something more stable.
  17. Migrant (مہاجر) – A person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions.
  18. Incompetent (نااہل) – Not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully.
  19. Repression (دباؤ) – The action of subduing someone or something by force.
  20. Incubated (پروان چڑھانا) – Developed or grew under favorable conditions.

Vocabulary (21-40)

  1. Recidivism (بار بار جرم کرنا) – The tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend.
  2. Incarcerating (قید کرنا) – Imprisoning or confining someone.
  3. Under-trial (زیر سماعت) – A person who is on trial in a court of law.
  4. Overcrowding (ہجوم) – Excessive number of people in a confined space.
  5. Rehabilitation (بحالی) – The process of helping someone to lead a normal life after they have been in prison or ill.
  6. Reintegration (دوبارہ شمولیت) – The process of becoming part of society again.
  7. Probation (آزمائش) – The release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision.
  8. Parole (پیرول) – The temporary or permanent release of a prisoner before the expiry of a sentence, on the promise of good behavior.
  9. Custodial (حراست) – Relating to or requiring imprisonment.
  10. Sanctions (پابندیاں) – Measures taken by a state to coerce another to conform to an international agreement or norms of conduct.
  11. Executive (انتظامی) – Having the power to put plans, actions, or laws into effect.

  12. Mandatory (لازمی) – Required by law or rules; compulsory.

  13. Colonial-era (نوآبادیاتی دور) – The period during which a country was a colony.
  14. Retributive (انتقامی) – Relating to or aiming at punishment.
  15. Restorative (بحال کرنے والا) – Having the ability to restore health, strength, or well-being.
  16. Legislative (قانون سازی) – Having the power to make laws.
  17. Judicially (عدالتی طور پر) – Pertaining to the administration of justice.
  18. Supervision (نگرانی) – The action of supervising someone or something.
  19. Efficiency (کارکردگی) – The state or quality of being efficient.
  20. Effectiveness (مؤثریت) – The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result.

Vocabulary (41-60)

  1. Extremism (انتہا پسندی) – The holding of extreme political or religious views.
  2. Incitement (اشتعال انگیزی) – The action of provoking unlawful behavior or urging someone to behave unlawfully.
  3. Proliferated (پھیلنا) – Increase rapidly in numbers; multiply.
  4. Vigilantes (نگران) – A member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority.
  5. Desist (باز رہنا) – Cease; abstain.
  6. Marginalised (حاشیہ پر) – Treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral.
  7. Alacrity (چابکدستی) – Brisk and cheerful readiness.
  8. Condemn (مذمت کرنا) – Express complete disapproval of; censure.
  9. Anarchy (انتشار) – A state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority.
  10. Emotive (جذباتی) – Arousing or able to arouse intense feeling.
  11. Spurious (جعلی) – Not being what it purports to be; false or fake.
  12. Consensus (اتفاق رائے) – General agreement.
  13. Exploiting (استحصال) – Make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
  14. Clerics (علماء) – Religious leaders or priests.
  15. Deplorable (قابل مذمت) – Deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad in quality.
  16. Perilous (خطرناک) – Full of danger or risk.
  17. Judiciary (عدلیہ) – The judicial authorities of a country; judges collectively.
  18. Outfits (گروہ) – A group of people undertaking a particular activity together.
  19. Vigilantism (نگرانی) – Law enforcement undertaken without legal authority by a self-appointed group of people.
  20. Sectarian (فرقہ وارانہ) – Denoting or concerning a sect or sects.

Vocabulary (61-80)

  1. Disturbing (پریشان کن) – Causing anxiety; worrying.
  2. Brute (وحشیانہ) – Savagely violent.
  3. Volatile (غیر مستحکم) – Liable to change rapidly and unpredictably.
  4. Polarised (منقسم) – Divided into two sharply contrasting groups.
  5. Enforced (مسلط) – Imposed by force.
  6. Disappearances (لاپتہ) – The act of someone going missing.
  7. Tortured (اذیت) – Inflicted with severe pain.
  8. Alienation (بیگانگی) – Feeling of being isolated.
  9. Persecution (ستم) – Hostility and ill-treatment.
  10. Extrajudicial (غیر عدالتی) – Not authorized by law.
  11. Militancy (شدت پسندی) – The use of confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause.
  12. Repressive (جابرانہ) – Inhibiting or restraining personal freedom.
  13. Plight (حالت) – A dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.
  14. Suppress (دبانا) – Forcibly put an end to.
  15. Grievances (شکایات) – Complaints or resentments.
  16. Discontent (عدم اطمینان) – Dissatisfaction with one’s circumstances.
  17. Deprivation (محرومی) – The lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities.
  18. Rigged (دھاندلی) – Dishonestly arranged or manipulated.
  19. Oppression (ظلم) – Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment.
  20. Segregation (علیحدگی) – The action or state of setting someone or something apart from others.

Vocabulary (81-100)

  1. Consecutive (مسلسل) – Following continuously.
  2. Bullish (خوش امید) – Confident and optimistic about the future.
  3. Stabilisation (استحکام) – The process of making something more stable.
  4. Reduction (

کمی) – The action of making something smaller or less in amount.
85. Narrowing (کم ہونا) – Becoming less wide.
86. Preliminary (ابتدائی) – Serving as a preparation for something more important.
87. Anticipated (متوقع) – Expected or predicted.
88. Stringent (سخت) – Strict, precise, and exacting.
89. Contingent (منحصر) – Dependent on certain conditions.
90. Consolidation (مضبوط کرنا) – The action or process of making something stronger or more solid.
91. Upgraded (بہتر کیا) – Raised to a higher standard.
92. Sovereign (خودمختار) – Possessing supreme or ultimate power.
93. Credit Rating (کریڈٹ ریٹنگ) – An estimate of the ability of a person or organization to fulfill their financial commitments.
94. Default (قرضہ ادا نہ کرنا) – Failure to fulfill an obligation, especially to repay a loan.
95. Shore up (مضبوط کرنا) – To support or strengthen.
96. Eurobonds (یوروبونڈز) – International bonds issued in a currency not native to the country where it is issued.
97. Panda Bonds (پنڈا بانڈز) – Bonds issued in China by foreign entities in Chinese yuan.
98. Trajectory (راستہ) – The path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.
99. Fragile (ناتواں) – Easily broken or damaged.
100. Backtrack (پیچھے ہٹنا) – To reverse one’s previous decision or opinion.

This comprehensive vocabulary list will serve as a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their language skills and deepen their understanding of contemporary issues as covered by Dawn. Keep this list handy for daily reference, and watch your command of the English language grow stronger each day.

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