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Calculate your age for CSS & PMS Exams | What is your Current Age?

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Age Calculator For CSS Exam 2023

Welcome to our online age calculator, designed specifically for those preparing for CSS and PMS exams. Knowing your current age is crucial when applying for Pakistan’s Federal and Provincial Exams i.e CSS, PMS and all other Competitive Exams. Our age calculator tool makes it easy to calculate your age accurately.
By using our age calculator for CSS Exam, you can quickly determine your age and ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the exams which is 21-30 years non-governmental job holders and is relaxed by two years (making 32 years as maximum age) for a candidate currently serving as a government employee or belonging to recognized tribes and areas. Our tool is optimized to find and use your age whenever you need to.

So, what are you waiting for? Calculate your age for CSS Exam now and take the first step towards your dream career!

ELIGIBILITY OF CSS Competitive Examination-2023

  • Only MPT qualifiers can appear in the written part of CSS-2022.
  • Candidates must have at least 2nd Division Bachelor’s
  • Age between 21 – 30 Two years of age relaxation is admissible to categories specified in Rule-6 of CSS Competitive Examination Rules, 2019 available on the FPSC website.
  • The cutoff date for determining the eligibility of the candidate in terms of age, qualification, domicile etc, is 31st December, 2022.

These were given in the advertisement of CSS Exam 2022.

How To Check Your Age Via CSS MCQs Age Calculator.

If you’re aspiring to take the prestigious CSS & PMS exams, use our CSS Age Calculator to determine your exact age and eligibility.

  1. Visit the CSS age calculator page at www.cssmcqs.com
  2. Then go down to our website bottom (footer), Click on ➤ Calculate your Age for CSS
  3. Select your date of birth from the calendar available in the search box.
  4. You can also manually enter your date of birth in the provided box.
  5. Once you’ve entered your age, click on the “Check Age for CSS & PMS Exam” button to see your age, including the total number of years, months, and days.

Age Limit for CSS Exam

If you’re considering the CSS exam, please note the following age limits:

  • Government employees: Up to 32 years of age.
  • Candidates belonging to recognized tribes and areas: Up to 32 years of age.
  • Non-government employees: Up to 30 years of age.
    • All details are given below…

Eligibility Criteria for CSS Exam

To be eligible for the CSS exam:

  • You must have at least 14 years of qualification / simple graduation in any field.
  • Your age must be within the specified limit as given above.

Show More from “Final_Approved_Rules_CE-2019_and_onwardsClick to Show...

Age-limits.– (1) No candidate shall be eligible for admission to the competitive examination unless he is neither below the age of twenty-one years nor above the age of thirty years on the cut-off

Explanation.– A candidate born on or before the 31st day of December 1988 and on or after the 2nd day of January 1998 shall not be eligible for the competitive examination of the year 2019.

  • Two years relaxation in the upper age limit of a candidate shall be admissible in respect of the following categories, namely:
    • the candidates belonging to the scheduled caste and Buddhist community subject to the production of a certificate, in support of their claim, as set out in the application form prescribed by the Commission from time to time and issued by the Deputy Commissioner, District Magistrate or such other person by whatever name called and authorized in this behalf;
    • the candidates belonging to the recognized Tribes who are permanent residents of the areas mentioned-below and whose families have been living in these areas, subject to the production of a certificate, in support of their claim, as set out in the application form prescribed by the Commission from time to time and issued by Deputy Commissioner, District Magistrate or such other person by whatever name called and authorized in this behalf:–
      • Baluchistan;
      • Tribal Areas of D.I.Khan and Peshawar Divisions (including former Frontier States of Dir, Swat, Chitral and Amb);
      • former excluded (Baloch) area forming part of the Dera Ghazi Khan and Rajanpur Districts;
      • former Tribal Areas of the Mardan and Hazara Divisions; and
      • Upper Tanawal Area of Hazara Division;
    • the candidates who are permanent residents of Azad Kashmir Territory, subject to production of a certificate in support of their claim, as set out in the application form prescribed by the Commission from time to time and issued by the Division to which business of Azad Jammu and Kashmir stands allocated;
    • the candidates who are permanent residents of Gilgit-Baltistan including Gilgit, Diamir, Baltistan, Ghizer and Guanche, subject to production of a certificate in support of their claim, as set out in the application form prescribed by the Commission from time to time and issued by the Deputy Commissioner, District Magistrate or such other person by whatever name called and authorized in this behalf;
    • the special candidates, namely, physically impaired, hearing or speech impaired and visually impaired, subject to production of certificate of disability in support of their claim issued by an officer of the Federal Government or, as the case may be, Provincial Government duly authorized in this behalf;
    • in-service Government servants, armed forces personnel, contract employees, including the Government servants of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, who possess a minimum of two years continuous Government service as on the cut-off date subject to production of departmental permission certificate from the competent authority as set out by the Commission from time to time. Employees of nationalized banks, State Bank of Pakistan, Water and Power Development Authority, regulatory authorities, autonomous bodies and other semi-autonomous bodies are not entitled to the age-relaxation under these rules:

Provided that period of extraordinary leave (EOL) shall not be considered as a period spent on duty under Fundamental Rule-9(6) for grant of age-relaxation under these rules.

  • The relaxation in upper age limits prescribed in these rules shall be permitted upto the maximum period of an individual concession and not by the total period of the concessions taken together, if admissible in any
  • Except as provided in these rules, a candidate shall not be entitled to further relaxation in age-limit under any other rule for the time being in force or on any other.

About CSS Exam

The Central Superior Services (CSS) exam is conducted by Pakistan’s Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC).

The CSS exam is one of Pakistan’s most prestigious and sought-after exams, selecting candidates for various civil service positions within the federal government. Positions include the following 12 groups;

  1. Pakistan Administrative Service
  2. Police Service of Pakistan
  3. Foreign Service of Pakistan
  4. Pakistan Customs Service
  5. Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service
  6. Inland Revenue Service
  7. Military Lands and Cantonments Group
  8. Railways (Commercial and Transportation) Group
  9. Commerce and Trade Group
  10. Information Group
  11. Office Management Group
  12. Postal Group

For more information, visit the official FPSC website at www.fpsc.gov.pk.

How to Calculate your age for CSS & PMS | Age Calculator Tutorial

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