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12th Aug | Daily Dawn Vocabulary Alphabetical order

These words are vital for CSS exam preparation, as they cover a range of topics and concepts. Understanding and using them correctly will help you score higher in the English essay and précis paper, as well as in current affairs and Pakistan affairs papers where precise terminology is essential. So, improve your vocabulary and get ready for your exams. This list includes simple meanings to help you confidently understand and use these words. Whether you’re studying for CSS, PMs, IELTS, GRE or any other test, these words will help you succeed.

Daily Dawn Vocabulary words | 12th August 2024

  1. Accolade (تعریف): An award or privilege granted as a special honor.
  2. Adulation (خوشامد): Excessive admiration or praise.
  3. Adventurers (مہم جو): People who take risks and try new experiences, often seeking excitement or profit.
  4. Auspices (سرپرستی): Protection or support; patronage.
  5. Audacious (دلیرانہ): Showing a willingness to take bold risks.
  6. Bipartisan (دو پارٹی): Supported by two political parties, especially the main ones.
  7. Bitter (تلخ): Angry or resentful due to unfair treatment.
  8. Brutal (سفاک): Savagely violent or inhumane.
  9. Cabinet (کابینہ): A body of high-ranking officials, typically representing the executive branch.
  10. Ceasefire (فائر بندی): A temporary suspension of fighting, typically by mutual agreement.
  11. Clarion Call (صاف کال): A strong and clear request for action.
  12. Clan (قبیلہ): A group of close-knit and interrelated families.
  13. Conflagration (آگ): An extensive fire that destroys a lot of land or property; here used metaphorically for war.
  14. Confidence (اعتماد): The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something.
  15. Condemned (مذمت): Declared to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil.
  16. Conquering (فاتح): Successfully overcoming a problem or challenge.
  17. Critical Thinking (تنقیدی سوچ): The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue.
  18. Custodian (سرپرست): A person who has responsibility for or looks after something.
  19. Decoding (پڑھنے کی صلاحیت کو بہتر بنانا): The process of interpreting or understanding.
  20. Deradicalised (غیر متشدد): The process of making someone less radical in their beliefs, especially those related to political or religious extremism.
  21. Deterrence (روک تھام): The action of preventing something, especially by instilling fear or doubt.
  22. Disingenuous (دوغلہ): Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
  23. Echelons (درجہ): A level or rank in an organization or society.
  24. Elections (انتخابات): A formal and organized process of electing or being elected, especially of members of a political body.
  25. Embattled (محصور): Involved in or prepared for war, especially after being surrounded by enemies.
  26. Escalation (شدید تر): An increase in the intensity or seriousness of a situation.
  27. Fawning (چاپلوسی): Displaying exaggerated flattery or affection.
  28. Genocide (نسل کشی): The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
  29. Global Standards (عالمی معیار): Accepted levels of quality across the world.
  30. Heinous (نفرت انگیز): Utterly odious or wicked, especially in crimes.
  31. Holistic (مکمل): Considering the whole, rather than just parts.
  32. Immersive (شمولیت کا حامل): Deeply engaging and absorbing.
  33. Independent Learning (خود مختار سیکھنے کا عمل): Learning that is not reliant on the direct instruction of teachers.
  34. Infallibility (معصومیت): The inability to be wrong.
  35. Interim (عبوری): Temporary; in the meantime.
  36. Interim (عارضی): Temporary or provisional.
  37. Intermediaries (درمیانی): A person or entity acting as a mediator or link between parties.
  38. Iron-fisted (آہنی ہاتھ): Very strict or harsh in controlling or governing.
  39. Legitimate (جائز): Conforming to the law or rules.
  40. Liberation (آزادی): The act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression.
  41. Malicious (شرپسند): Intending to do harm.
  42. Manipulatives (تعلیمی اوزار): Physical tools used to help students learn.
  43. Martial (عسکری): Relating to or suggestive of war or the armed forces.
  44. Memorization (یاد کرنے کا عمل): The process of committing something to memory.
  45. Monarchs (بادشاہ): Kings or queens.
  46. Monumental (عظیم الشان): Massive, highly significant.
  47. Navigate (سمت کا تعین کرنا): To find one’s way through something.
  48. Obeisance (تابعداری): Deferential respect or submission.
  49. Obsequious (باج گزار): Obedient or attentive to an excessive degree.
  50. Occupation (قبضہ): The action of taking control of a place, especially by military force.
  51. Ousted (برطرف): Removed from a position of power or responsibility.
  52. Pedagogy (تدریس کا طریقہ): The method and practice of teaching.
  53. Permeated (رسائی حاصل کی): Spread throughout something.
  54. Perplexing (حیران کن): Confusing or puzzling.
  55. Perseverance (استقامت): Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
  56. Pioneer (رہنما): A person who is among the first to explore or develop a new area or field.
  57. Precipice (کنارے): A very steep cliff or the brink of a dangerous situation.
  58. Premature (قبل از وقت): Occurring before the proper time.
  59. Pretentiousness (بناوٹ): Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance than is actually possessed.
  60. Profound (گہرا): Very deep, intense, or significant.
  61. Proficiency (مہارت): A high degree of competence or skill.
  62. Protests (احتجاج): A statement or action expressing disapproval or objection.
  63. Racketeering (غنڈہ گردی): The practice of engaging in a fraudulent or illegal scheme, especially one involving extortion.
  64. Reconciliation (مصالحت): The restoration of friendly relations.
  65. Reins (اقتدار): Control or guidance over something or someone.
  66. Reprisals (جوابی کارروائی): Retaliations or revenge attacks.
  67. Retaliate (جوابی حملہ): To make an attack or assault in return for a similar attack.
  68. Revitalise (نئی زندگی دینا): To give new life or vigor to something.
  69. Reverberates (گونجتا ہے): Echoes or resonates deeply.
  70. Sovereignty (خود مختاری): Supreme power or authority of a state to govern itself.
  71. Spectacle (تماشہ): A visually striking performance or display.
  72. Stabilising (مستحکم کرنا): Making something more stable or secure.
  73. Superficiality (سطحیت): Lack of depth of knowledge or thought or feeling.
  74. Sycophancy (چاپلوسی): Obsequious behavior toward someone important in order to gain advantage.
  75. Sycophants (چاپلوس): People who act obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage.
  76. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (پائیدار ترقی کے مقاصد): A collection of global goals set by the United Nations.
  77. Trepidation (خوف): A feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen.
  78. Transparency (شفافیت): Openness and clarity, allowing people to see and understand what is happening.
  79. Violent (پرتشدد): Using physical force intended to hurt or damage.

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