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13th Aug | Daily Dawn Vocabulary Alphabetical order

These words are vital for CSS exam preparation, as they cover a range of topics and concepts. Understanding and using them correctly will help you score higher in the English essay and précis paper, as well as in current affairs and Pakistan affairs papers where precise terminology is essential. So, improve your vocabulary and get ready for your exams. This list includes simple meanings to help you confidently understand and use these words. Whether you’re studying for CSS, PMs, IELTS, GRE or any other test, these words will help you succeed.

Daily Dawn Vocabulary words | 13th August 2024

  1. Acknowledged (تسلیم شدہ): Recognized as being good or important.
  2. Alienation (بیگانگی): The feeling of being isolated or estranged.
  3. Amplify (بڑھانا): To increase the volume or intensity of something.
  4. Ambassador (سفیر): An accredited diplomat sent by a state as its permanent representative in a foreign country.
  5. Amplify (بڑھانا): To increase the volume or intensity of something.
  6. Assets (اثاثے): Items of value owned by a person or company.
  7. Assassinated (قتل کیا): Killed, especially a prominent figure, often for political reasons.
  8. Assassinations (قتل): The action of assassinating someone, typically a prominent or important person.
  9. Atrocity (ظلم): An extremely wicked or cruel act, typically involving physical violence or injury.
  10. Authoritarian (آمرانہ): Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority.
  11. Ballooned (بڑھ گیا): Increased rapidly.
  12. Booster shot (دوبارہ ٹیکہ): An additional dose of a vaccine given after the original dose to maintain immunity.
  13. Boggles (حیران کن): To be astonished or overwhelmed.
  14. Ceasefire (جنگ بندی): A temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce.
  15. Charred (جھلسا ہوا): Burned and blackened.
  16. Cohesion (ہم آہنگی): The action or fact of forming a united whole.
  17. Collaborative (تعاون پر مبنی): Produced or conducted by two or more parties working together.
  18. Combative (لڑاکا): Ready or eager to fight; aggressive.
  19. Combatants (جنگجو): A person or nation engaged in fighting during a war.
  20. Comeuppance (انصاف): A punishment or fate that someone deserves.
  21. Conceding (تسلیم کرنا): Admitting something as true or valid.
  22. Conflagration (آگ): An extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property, often used metaphorically for a conflict.
  23. Confront (مقابلہ کرنا): To face up to and deal with a problem or difficult situation.
  24. Contagious (متعدی): Capable of being spread from person to person.
  25. Contaminated (آلودہ): Made impure by exposure to harmful substances.
  26. Counterterrorism (CT) (دہشت گردی کے خلاف): Activities and strategies that governments, militaries, and law enforcement agencies use to combat or prevent terrorism.
  27. Courted (لبھانا): Tried to win favor or support.
  28. Decreed (حکم دیا): Ordered by authority.
  29. Democratic (جمہوری): Relating to or supporting democracy or its principles.
  30. Deradicalization (انتہاپسندی سے دوری): The process of changing an individual’s belief system away from violent ideologies.
  31. Dismembered (ٹکڑے ٹکڑے): Having the limbs cut off.
  32. Disengagement (علحیدگی): The action of withdrawing from involvement in a particular activity, situation, or group.
  33. Disillusionment (مایوسی): A feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be.
  34. Displaced (بے گھر): Forced to leave their home, typically because of war, persecution, or natural disaster.
  35. Dynamic (متحرک): Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
  36. Emblematic (علامتی): Serving as a symbol of a particular quality or concept.
  37. Endemic (مقامی): Regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.
  38. Engagement (مصروفیت): Involvement or participation in a particular activity or event.
  39. Eradicated (ختم): Completely destroyed or wiped out.
  40. Erratically (بے ترتیب): In an unpredictable or irregular manner.
  41. Escalation (شدت میں اضافہ): An increase in the intensity or seriousness of something; an intensification.
  42. Espouse (اختیار کرنا): To adopt or support a cause, belief, or way of life.
  43. Executed (عملدرآمد): Carried out or put into effect.
  44. Exacerbates (بگاڑنا): Makes a problem or situation worse.
  45. Exchequer (خزانہ): A national treasury or financial system.
  46. Executed (عملدرآمد): Carried out or put into effect.
  47. Exemplified (مثال دیا): Show or illustrate by example.
  48. Extremism (انتہا پسندی): The holding of extreme political or religious views.
  49. Eyewitness (عینی شاہد): A person who has seen something happen and can give a first-hand description of it.
  50. Facilitate (آسان کرنا): To make an action or process easy or easier.
  51. Faith (اعتماد): Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
  52. Fateful (تقدیری): Having significant consequences, often negative.
  53. Fiscal (مالی): Relating to government revenue, especially taxes.
  54. Genial (خوش اخلاق): Friendly and cheerful.
  55. Genial (خوش اخلاق): Friendly and cheerful.
  56. Genocidal (نسلی قتل): Relating to or involving the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
  57. Havoc (تباہی): Widespread destruction or chaos.
  58. Hemorrhaging (خون بہنا): Losing money rapidly and uncontrollably.
  59. Herpes Zoster (ایک قسم کا وائرس): A virus that causes shingles, a painful skin rash.
  60. Ideology (نظریہ): A system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.
  61. Imminent (قریب): About to happen; forthcoming.
  62. Immunisation (ٹیکہ کاری): The process of making someone immune to an infectious disease.
  63. Indifference (بے حسی): Lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.
  64. Ineffectiveness (بے اثر): Not producing any significant or desired effect.
  65. Influenza (زکام): A contagious viral infection that attacks the respiratory system.
  66. Instability (عدم استحکام): Lack of stability or security.
  67. Insidious (مکاری): Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects.
  68. Intervene (مداخلت کرنا): To come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events.
  69. Meningitis (دماغ کی جھلیوں کی سوزش): Inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
  70. Marginalized (حاشیہ نشین): Treated as insignificant or peripheral.
  71. Malfeasance (بدعنوانی): Wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
  72. Mismanagement (بدانتظامی): The process of managing something badly or wrongly.
  73. Mobilisation (تحریک): The act of organizing and encouraging people to act in a concerted way.
  74. Mourning (سوگ): The expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died.
  75. Murdering (قتل کرنا): The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
  76. Muzzled (خاموش کرنا): To silence or suppress someone or something.
  77. Narratives (بیانیے): The structured accounts or explanations of particular events or phenomena.
  78. Nobel Prize (نوبل انعام): A prestigious award given for achievements in various fields, including peace and economics.
  79. Obscure (غیر معروف): Not well known; hidden or not easily understood.
  80. Ousted (معزول): Removed from a position of power.
  81. Parallels (مماثلتیں): Similarities or comparisons between two things.
  82. Parliamentary (پارلیمانی): Relating to, enacted by, or suitable for a parliament.
  83. Parcelled (تقسیم کیا گیا): Divided into parts and distributed.
  84. Participation (شرکت): The action of taking part in something.
  85. Peninsula (جزیرہ نما): A piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water.
  86. Perception (فہم): The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
  87. Perspective (نقطہ نظر): A particular attitude towards or way of regarding something.
  88. Privatization (نجکاری): The transfer of a business, industry, or service from public to private ownership and control.
  89. Progenitor (بانی): A person who originates or leads a movement or theory.
  90. Propaganda (پروپیگنڈا): Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
  91. Prosecute (مقدمہ چلانا): To institute legal proceedings against a person or organization.
  92. Provoking (اشتعال دلانا): Stimulating or inciting someone to do or feel something, especially by arousing anger in them.
  93. Radicalisation (انتہاپسندی کی طرف مائل ہونا): The process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals.
  94. Ramifications (نتائج): Complex or unwelcome consequences of an action or event.
  95. Refuge (پناہ): A place of safety or shelter.
  96. Relentless (بے رحمانہ): Persistent and harsh.
  97. Resilience (لچک): The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
  98. Repression (دباؤ): The act of subduing someone or something by force.
  99. Revealed (ظاہر کیا): To make known to others.
  100. Revulsion (نفرت): A sense of disgust and loathing.
  101. Rhetoric (گفتگو): Language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
  102. Sanitation (صفائی ستھرائی): Measures taken to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
  103. Scrutiny (جانچ پڑتال): Critical observation or examination.
  104. Sectarian (فرقہ وارانہ): Relating to or involving religious sects or divisions.
  105. Seismic (زلزلہ): Relating to or denoting geological events, especially those involving earthquakes.
  106. Sporadic (غیر معمولی): Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated.
  107. Strategic (حکمت عملی کے مطابق): Carefully designed or planned to serve a particular purpose or advantage.
  108. Subjugation (ماتحتی): The act of bringing someone or something under domination or control.
  109. Suppress (دبانا): To put an end to something, typically by force.
  110. Sustainable (پائیدار): Able to be maintained or continued over the long term.
  111. Tactical (حربہ): Relating to or constituting actions carefully planned to gain a specific military end.
  112. Targeted (نشانہ بنایا گیا): Directed at a particular group or individual.
  113. Tensions (کشیدگی): A state of mental or emotional strain or stress.
  114. Terrorism (دہشت گردی): The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
  115. Thwarted (ناکام بنایا): Prevented from accomplishing something.
  116. Trafficking (اسمگلنگ): The illegal trade of goods or services, often involving exploitation.
  117. Tragedy (سانحہ): A disastrous event, especially one involving great loss of life or suffering.
  118. Transnational (بین الاقوامی): Extending or operating across national boundaries.
  119. Turbulent (ہنگامہ خیز): Characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not controlled or calm.
  120. Unilaterally (یکطرفہ طور پر): Performed by or affecting only one side, party, or group.
  121. Unprecedented (غیر معمولی): Never done or known before; without previous example.
  122. Unresolved (غیر حل شدہ): Not yet settled or solved.
  123. Urbanization (شہری آبادی کا عمل): The process of making an area more urban.
  124. Vaccination (ٹیکہ کاری): The administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from a disease.
  125. Vandalism (توڑ پھوڑ): Deliberate destruction or damage to public or private property.
  126. Vengeance (انتقام): Punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense.
  127. Victimized (شکار): Made a victim of or treated unfairly.
  128. Violence (تشدد): Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
  129. Volatility (عدم استحکام): Liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
  130. Vulnerable (کمزور): Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.
  131. Weaponization (ہتھیار سازی): The act of turning something into a weapon, typically something that was not intended to be used as one.
  132. Widespread (وسیع پیمانے پر): Found or distributed over a large area or number of people.
  133. Xenophobia (غیر ملکیوں سے نفرت): Dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
  134. Youthful (جوان): Having the qualities of youth, such as energy, vitality, or freshness.
  135. Zeal (جذبہ): Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
  136. Zealous (جنونی): Having or showing zeal.

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