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300 Most Important Prepositions for CSS, PMS and Other Competitive Exams

Here, you will find 300 Most Important Prepositions for CSS, PMS and Other Competitive Exams. If you have appeared in competitive exams of Pakistan, you have found such prepositions in many tests for jobs and entry test for the admission of universities and colleges. However, these are very important for the preparation of various exams of CSS, PMS and all other competitive exams. You need to learn, at least, all of these words by heart. Thus, if you have a hold over such 300 significant prepositions, you will use them in your own sentences very easily. So, it is time to allocate some time and learn all these 300 Most Important Prepositions for CSS And PMS Exams by heart.

300 Most Important Prepositions for CSS And PMS Exams

  1. Abide by
  2. Absorbed in
  3. Abstain from
  4. Accomplice with
  5. Accused (Somebody) of (Something)
  6. Accustomed to
  7. Addicted to
  8. Adhere to
  9. Admit to/into
  10. Advantage over (Somebody) of (Something)
  11. Advantage of (Something)
  12. Affection for
  13. Afflicted with
  14. Agree to (proposal)
  15. Agree with (a person)about/on (Something)
  16. Aloof from
  17. Alternative to
  18. Amazed at
    Are you Looking for 65 Most Important Idioms for CSS, PMS and all Competitive Exams
  19. Angry with/at (Somebody)
  20. Angry at/about (Something)
  21. Anxious for (Somebody)
  22. Anxious about (Something)
  23. Apologize to (Somebody) for (Something)
  24. Appeal to (Somebody)for (Something)
  25. Appetite for
  26. Approach to
  27. Akin to
  28. Acclimatize to
  29. Apparent to (Somebody)
  30. Apparent from (Something)
  31. Appoint (Somebody) to(Something)
  32. Apply to (Somebody) for (Something)
  33. Appropriate to/for
  34. Approve of
  35. Aptitude for
  36. Ashamed of
  37. Aspire to
  38. Assent to
  39. Associate with
  40. Dissociate from
  41. Assure of
  42. Ask from
  43. Astonished at
  44. Atone for
  45. Attached to
  46. Attend to
  47. Attribute (Something) to (Something/Somebody)
  48. Authority over (power)
  49. Authority on (expert)
  50. Avail (oneself) of (Something)
  51. Averse to
  52. Ban (Noun) on
  53. Ban (Verb) (Somebody)from(Something/doing Something)
  54. Bad at (not good at)
  55. Bad for (harmful)
  56. Believe in
  57. Beneficial to
  58. Benefit by/from
  59. Blame (Somebody/Something)for(Something)
  60. Boast of
  61. Bound for
  62. Burden (Noun) to
  63. Burden (Verb) with
  64. Busy with
  65. Bearing on

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English (Precis and Composition)

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