All primary colors (Red + Blue + Green) mix to form which color?
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Correct Answer: White


The three primary colors of light are redblue, and green.
Mixing the Primary Colors of Light
When you mix the primary colors of light they give you secondary colors.

Primary Color + Primary Color = Secondary Color

Red + Blue = Magenta

Red + Green = Yellow

Green + Blue = Cyan
All primary colors mix to form white light:

Red + Blue + Green = White

When all primary colors of light (Red, Blue, and Green) are mixed together, they produce white light. This phenomenon occurs due to the additive color theory, where combining all colors of light results in white. This is different from mixing primary colors in pigments, which would typically result in black or brown due to the subtractive color theory.

Understanding Color Mixing

  1. Additive Color Mixing:

– In the case of light, when Red, Green, and Blue lights are mixed, they form white. This is the principle used in screens like TVs and computer monitors, where tiny dots of RGB lights combine to create various colors, including white.

  1. Subtractive Color Mixing:

– When mixing paints or pigments, combining the primary colors Red, Yellow, and Blue tends to produce darker colors, typically black or brown, because each pigment absorbs (subtracts) certain wavelengths of light.


Mixing primary colors of light (Red, Blue, and Green) results in white. This concept is central to the additive color model used in digital screens, lighting, and other technologies that rely on colored light mixing.

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