Which country did Secretary of State Antony Blinken visit recently, marking the highest-ranking visit by a US official to that country in years?
A. China
B. India
C. Germany
D. France
Correct Answer: A (China)
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A. China
B. India
C. Germany
D. France
A. June 5
B. July 10
C. September 15
D. June 20
A. Hope away from home
B. Conflict resolution
C. Integration of refugees
D. Financial support for refugees
A. Happiness and joy
B. Destruction and devastation
C. Relentless and persistent
D. Sad and miserable
A. June 7
B. July 10
C. September 15
D. October 24
A. Joint Comprehensive Peace Agreement
B. Joint Cooperation Program of Action
C. Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
D. Joint Coalition for Political Order and Advancement
A. To repair something with a hammer
B. To remove a dent with a hammer
C. To work out the details of a plan or agreement
D. To argue loudly with someone