How many bones are in the human hand?
A. 20
B. 27
C. 32
D. 42
Correct Answer: 27 Bones
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A. 20
B. 27
C. 32
D. 42
A. 828 meters
B. 500 meters
C. 984 meters
D. 700 meters
A. Neolithic Era
B. Mesolithic Era
C. Bronze Age
D. Paleolithic Era
A. Neolithic Era
B. Mesolithic Era
C. Bronze Age
D. None of the above
A. Electric lights
B. Candles
C. Oil lamps
D. Fire
A. Farming
B. Fishing
C. Hunting and gathering
D. Fishing and hunting
A) The Articles of Confederation
B) The Treaty of Paris
C) The Declaration of Independence
D) The U.S. Constitution