An attitude toward society in the late 1700s, is the ideology of governing a nation as a republic with an emphasis on liberty and the civic virtue practiced by citizen?

A. Nationalism
B. Communism
C. Democracy
D. Republicanism » Read More…

The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy statement delivered by President James Monroe stating that the U.S. would not interfere in European affairs, and that the western hemisphere was closed to colonization and/ or interference by?

A. European nations
B. South Asian countries
C. South Americans
D. Great Britain » Read More…

The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian War and effectively kicked the French out of?

A.  South America
B. Great Britain
C. North America
D. Spain » Read More…

The Northwest Ordinance was a policy of establishing the principles and procedures for the orderly expansion of?

A. United States
B. Great Britain
C. Canada
D. France » Read More…