The highest official rank of Air Force is ———–?
A. Air Marshal
B. Supreme Marshal
C. Air Chief Marshal
D. Chief of Air Force
A. Air Marshal
B. Supreme Marshal
C. Air Chief Marshal
D. Chief of Air Force
A. Noor Jahan
B. Dr Shamshad Akhter
C. Farzana Raja
D. Dr Ashraf Abbasi
A. 74,521 Sq Km
B. 140,914 Sq Km
C. 347,190 Sq Km
D. 205,344 Sq Km
A. 74,521 Sq Km
B. 40,914 Sq
C. 347,190 Sq Km
D. 205,344 Sq Km
A. 74,521 Sq Km
B. 40,914 Sq Km
C. 347,190 Sq Km
D. 205,344 Sq Km
A. 27,220 Sq Km
B. 40,914 Sq Km
C. 347,190 Sq Km
D. 205,344 Sq Km