Bait-e-Rizwan took place in which hijri?
A. 9th Hijrah
B. 8th Hijrah
C. 7th Hijrah
D. 6th Hijrah
Bait-e-Rizwan took place in 6th Hijrah
Bait Rizwan was the pledge taken to get the revenge of Hazrat Usman (RA) under the tree known as Rizwan. It is also known as Bait-e-Shajra because it was made under the Keekar tree. The Companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) at Hudabiya were about fourteen hundred (1400). The Prophet (SAW) abode at Makkah for 15 days after its conquest. However, 1 Lac companion accompanied Prophet at the last Hajj.
Background of Bait e Rizwan (Pledge of the Tree)
In March 628 CE (6 AH), Muhammad set for Mecca to perform the ritual pilgrimage of Umrah. The Quraysh denied the Muslims entry into the city and posted themselves outside Mecca, determined to offer resistance even though the Muslims did not have any intention or preparation for battle. Muhammad camped outside Mecca at Hudaybiyyah and sent Uthman ibn Affan as his envoy to meet with the leaders of Quraysh and negotiate their entry into the city. The Quraysh caused Uthman to stay longer in Mecca than they originally planned and refused to inform the Muslims of his whereabouts. This caused them to believe that Uthman had been killed by the people of the Quraysh. On this occasion, Muhammad gathered his nearly 1,400 Sahaba and called them to pledge to fight until death and avenge the death of Uthman. This pledge took place under a tree and was thus known as the Pledge of the Tree. During the process of pledging, each Sahaba came before Muhammad and pledged, with his hand on top of Muhammad’s.
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