CSS English Precis and composition 2021 Paper

Here, you can study today (18-02-2021) CSS English Precis and composition 2021 Paper.

Overall, this time English precis 2021 css paper is a bit tough as compared to the past few years. However, the MCQs Section of CSS 2021 Precis and Composition Paper was the toughest paper in the history of the CSS Exam. You can hardly get right 5-8 MCQs out of 20 MCQs. If you want to try, you can take quiz in CSS English Precis and composition 2021 Paper MCQs, HERE

Please share your views that how did you find today css paper of 2021 English Précis and composition 2021 Paper.

CSS English Precis of 2021 Source and solution

Today’s CSS Precis is taken from an article of Aljazera. Which can be study from here

Composition passage of CSS English Precis of 2021 Source

Comprehension passage of CE-2021 has been taken from the book of

Why do people hate America‘ by Ziauddin Sardar.

Good luck!

For MCQs Section Solved Quiz Visit HERE
CSS English Precis and Composition 2021

CSS English Precis and Composition 2000-2021

CSS English Precis and Composition 2021
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CSS English Precis and Composition-2012
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CSS English Precis and Composition-2009
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CSS English Precis and Composition-2007
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Click below to download English Precis Paper 2021

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