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Just before something scary happens in a horror film, they often play scary-sounding music.
When I hear the music, I tense up in anticipation of the scary event. In this situation, the music serves as a
A. US.
B. CS.
C. UR.
D. CR.

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Gate-control theory refers to

A. which sensory impulses are transmitted first from each sense.
B.which pain messages are perceived.
C. interfering sound waves, causing some waves to be undetected.
D. the gate at the optic chiasm controlling the destination hemisphere for visual information
from each eye.

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If you had sight in only one eye, which of the following depth cues could you NOT use?

A. texture gradient
B. convergence
C. linear perspective
D. interposition

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What function does the retina serve?

A. The retina contains the visual receptor cells.
B. The retina focuses light coming in the eye through the lens.
C. The retina determines how much light is let into the eye.
D. The retina determines which rods and cones will be activated by incoming light.

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Color blindness and color afterimages are best explained by what theory of color vision?

A. trichromatic theory
B. visible hue theory
C. opponent-process theory
D. dichromatic theory

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What behavior would be difficult without our vestibular sense?

A. integrating what we see and hear
B. writing our name
C. repeating a list of digits
D. walking a straight line with our eyes closed

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