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Electromagnetic radiation with the maximum wavelength is: (CSS MPT 2024)
Radio waves
Infrared waves
None of these
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Correct Answer: (Radio waves)
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The most common gas that is found in the air to breathe is called: (CSS MPT 2024)
Carbon dioxide
None of these
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Correct Answer: (Oxygen)
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The voltage signal which is generated by a microphone is called: (CSS MPT 2024)
Audio signal
Sound wave
Transverse wave
None of these
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Correct Answer: (Sound wave)
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What is the output voltage of a step-up transformer? (CSS MPT 2024)
The output voltage is greater than the input voltage.
The output voltage is equal to the input voltage.
The output voltage is less than the input voltage.
None of these
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Correct Answer: (The output voltage is greater than the input voltage.)
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