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CSS Past Paper Islamic Studies 2025 Questions

Are you preparing for the CSS Islamic Studies 2025 exam? Here, you can get the CSS Past Paper for Islamic Studies (2025) in Urdu and English version both

CSS Islamic Studies Past Paper 2025 – Questions

CSS Past Paper Islamic Studies 2025
CSS Past Paper Islamic Studies 2025


(Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.)

  1. What is the importance of Makārim Akhlāq (noble morals) in establishing social peace? In this background, how did the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) complete these morals?
  2. What is meant by Farz Kifayah? What is its religious and social significance? In the present era, which affairs are considered to be included in the scope of Farz Kifayah?
  3. Determine the status of the classist lifestyle in the light of the teachings of Islam and examine its effects on human society.
  4. What are the disadvantages of the concentration of wealth? What economic measures has Islam introduced to prevent this?
  5. Discuss the contents of the peace agreements made during the Prophet’s (ﷺ) era, by categorizing them into their basic features.
  6. Discuss religious tolerance in the context of post-Prophetic Muslim history.
  7. What views are found in today’s Muslim circles about Western Civilization? Identify and analyze them.

URDU VERSION of CSS Islamiat Past Paper 2025

  1. مکارم اخلاق کی معاشرتی امن میں کیا اہمیت ہے؟ اس پس منظر میں نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے کس طرح ان اخلاق کو مکمل کیا؟
  2. فرض کفایہ سے کیا مراد ہے؟ اس کی دینی اور سماجی اہمیت کیا ہے؟ دور حاضر میں کن امور کو فرض کفایہ کے دائرے میں شمار کیا جا سکتا ہے؟
  3. طبقاتی طرز زندگی کی اسلام کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں حیثیت متعین کریں اور اس کے انسانی معاشرے پر اثرات کا جائزہ لیں۔
  4. دولت کے ارتکاز کے نقصانات کیا ہیں؟ اس کی روک تھام کے لیے اسلام نے کون سے معاشی اقدامات متعارف کرائے ہیں؟
  5. عہد نبوی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم میں طے پانے والے معاہدات کو ان کے بنیادی خدوخال کے تحت تقسیم کر کے ان کا جائزہ لیں۔
  6. بعد از عہد نبوی کی مسلم تاریخ میں مذہبی رواداری پر بحث کریں۔
  7. موجودہ مسلم معاشرے میں مغربی تہذیب کے بارے میں پائے جانے والے نظریات کی نشاندہی کر کے ان کا تجزیہ کریں۔

Please note that the CSS Islamic Studies Past Paper 2025 is a crucial resource for aspirants preparing for the competitive CSS exam. This paper tests candidates’ understanding of Islamic principles, history, and contemporary issues in light of Islamic teachings. It is designed to assess analytical skills, conceptual clarity, and the ability to apply Islamic knowledge to modern-day scenarios. Practicing past papers not only helps in understanding the exam pattern but also enhances the ability to write structured and well-referenced answers, improving overall performance in the examination.

CSS Islamic Studies Past Papers – Why They Matter?

  • Understanding exam trends and key topics.
  • Practicing structured answers based on Islamic teachings.
  • Enhancing critical thinking and analytical skills for competitive exams.

Final Tips for CSS Islamic Studies Preparation

  1. Focus on Quran and Hadith: Support answers with authentic references.
  2. Revise Islamic History: Study major events and their impact on governance.
  3. Practice Answer Writing: Follow the CSS answer structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  4. Stay Updated: Read contemporary issues related to Islam and their modern-day relevance.

By practicing these questions and strategies, you can confidently prepare for your CSS Islamic Studies 2025 exam and maximize your chances of success. 🚀

Stay tuned for more CSS past papers and study resources!

Islamic Studies Mcqs

Islamic Studies Mcqs kinds of wahi
Islamic Studies Mcqs, Islamic world and practices. most important of Islamic Studies, Islamiat, Islamyat MCQs
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Islamic Studies Mcqs |Islamiat MCQs| Islamyat MCQs for preparation

You will find all recent and important Islamic Studies Mcqs by CSSMCQs. These Islamiat Mcqs are based on the history of Islam, basic Islamic knowledge and beliefs of Islam, the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) MCQs and his companions (R.A), Quran & Sunnah related MCQs of Islamiat, Islamic world and practices of Islam MCQs. The most important and repeated MCQs of the recent tests of Islamic Studies MCQs are being added here. There are a huge number of Multiple Choice Questions over the study of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (PBAH) as a Role Model for individuals, Diplomats, Educators, Military strategists and Peace Makers.

Besides, Islamic Code of Life MCQs and other Islamiyat MCQs will be shared here on a daily basis. In short, all the past paper MCQs of CSS Islamiat will also be provided here with CSS paper reference and CSS Islamiyat MCQs papers section A.

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