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Sociology Solved MCQS Year 2010

1) When the researcher asks the respondent face to face question, this method is called:

A. Interview Schedule

B. Questionnaire

C. Observation

D. Interview guide

E. None of these

2) Power that people consider legitimate is known as:

A. Force

B. Right

C. Authority

D. Previlege

E. None of these

3) Social Structure of a society is the network of:

A. Institutional relations

B. Value System

C. Traditions

D. Compliance to Norms

E. None of these

4) WID approach believes in:

A. Gender mainstreaming

B. Gender Segregation

C. Incorporating women in development activities

D. None of these

5) Geronotology is the study of:

A. Human Beings

B. Special Groups

C. Aged and Aging

D. All of these

6) The most pervasive of the social processes are:

A. Cooperation

B. Over Conflict

C. Competition

D. None of these

7) Abstract Sentiments are:

A. Closer to the center of the self than moral rules

B. Provide a focus for allegiance

C. Are compellers of action

D. None of these

8) The creative potential of personality is accounted for by:

A. Stimulus-response psychology

B. Drive psychology

C. Trait psychology

D. None of these

9) The country with better record for gathering population statistics then any other is:

A. Japan

B. Sweden


D. None of these


10) The exception to the typical application of endogamy is:

A. Tribe

B. Kinship

C. Race

D. None of these

11) Stratified samples fall under:

A. Probability sampling design

B. Non-Probability sampling design

C. Multi-stage sampling design

D. None of these

12) Egoistic, the special type of suicide presented by Emile Durkheim spring from:

A. Excessive regulation

B. Excessive individualism

C. Over migration with group

D. None of these

13) A close connection between religion and economic forces was presented by:

A. Max Weber

B. Karl Max

C. Emile Durkheim

D. C. Wright Mill

E. None of these

14) A large kinship group whose members inhabit one geographic area and believe they are descendent from a common area is known as:

A. Clan

B. Tribe

C. Kin group

D. Class

E. None of these

15) A social condition in which values are conflicting, weak or absent is:

A. Assimilation

B. Hawthrone effect

C. Invasion

D. Anomie

16) In theoretical field social research aims at:

A. finding problems of human being

B. identifying delinquent behaviour

C. reducing social conflict

D. None of these

17) Survey Means:

A. Overlooking

B. Organizing social data

C. Observation

18) Independent variables are:

A. Experimental Groups

B. Study of social investigation

C. Study of social life

D. None of these


19) Qualitative Data Means:

A. Expressed in number

B. Expressed in words

C. Both of these

D. None of these

20) A Likert scale emphasizes:

A. Reproducibility

B. Uni-dimensinality

C. None of these