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Sociology Solved MCQS Year 2011

1) Who said “Man is a social animal”? Aristotle.

Who called sociology “Social Physics”? a)Auguste Comte b)Wilfred c)Herbert Spencer

3)Bourgeois type of society was introduced by? Karl Marx

4)When cultural traits spread from one society to another,the process is called? Diffusion

5)An ascribed status is one that is; endowed at birth

6)Ethnocentrism means superiority of ones own culture

7)A system in which one husband is married to many women is called; polygamy

8)Levirate means; a)Marriage of a man with the widow of his deceased brother b)Marriage of a man with the sister of his deceased wife c)None of these.

9)Joint family may be preferred because it has;

a)greater financial security b)Division of labour c)workable as a cooperative d)all of these

10)Which of the following is not a major feature of capitalism? Equitable distribution of income

11)Movement from rural to urban area is called; Urbanization

12)Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.This definition has been given by; Durkheim

13)Rapid growth of urbanization is due to advancement in; a)modernization b)westernization c)technology d)transport

14)Whose statement is this” where there is life there is society” a)August Comte b)Herbert Spencer c)Durkheim d)Maclver & Page

15)Who developed the “organic theory of society” a)Herbert Spencer b)Henry Maine c)Thomas Hobbes d)Maclver

16)What does culture usually reflect in Modern society? a)Group culture b)National culture c)Geographical culture d)religious culture

17)Customs are powerful in regulating the conduct of people in: a)Simple societies b)Urban societies c)Industralized societies d)All of these

18)Which one of these is not an essential element of community Individual interest

19)Norms in society indicate; Standarized generalization about normal expected mode of behaviour

20)Which one of the following is not a healthy social process? a)Competition b)Co-operation c)Integration d)None of these.