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Current Affairs Guess Paper For CSS 2022 By CSSMCQs

Here, you will have the CSS Current Affairs 2022 Guess Paper For the upcoming CE-2022 made by the qualified CSSMCQs team members while keeping in review all the major aspects of the CSS Current Affairs Past Papers. Insha’ALLAH, you will have 2-4 same statement’s questions in your real exam. You can practice these questions right away, however, it will be updated with the lapse of time.

Current Affairs 2022 Guess Paper

Q. No. 2. Analyze Pakistan’s first-ever National Security Policy (NSP) 2022, what do you think about how long will Pakistan’s National Security Policy work? Suggest some ways for its further improvement.

Q. No. 3. What is the role of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in the regional harmony of its member states and why is it failing to assist its members and counter the effect of Islamophobia. Also, highlight Pakistan’s contributions towards it.

Q. No. 4. The Taliban took over Kabul again after 20 years, has the US won the war in Afghanistan? Provide reasons and future impacts of US withdrawal from Afghanistan’s soil?

Q. No. 5. Critically examine the Ukraine Crisis, Pakistan’s policy for Ukraine and Its implications for the region.

Q. No. 6. Pakistan launched the Single National Curriculum (SNC) for the primary level in the entire country, it is termed as ‘return to One Unit’. Discuss it in the light of the present dismal education situation in Pakistan. What recommendations do you suggest to deal with these issues?

Q. No. 7. Are the US & China playing Cold Wars? Where Russia stands in the current crisis, and what is Pakistan’s response to it?

Q. No. 8. What is Fifth-generation warfare (5GW)? What measures do you suggest to improve the security conditions of Balochistan & Ex-FATA regions owing to the latest 5GW?



These are nothing but some rough opinions of our experts. All the statements made available above are the part of discussions group and any opinions, advice, statements or other information contained here are merely given for the benefits of our users. You cannot rely on these questions alone, prepare and follow your own strategies for the said exam. CSS MCQs is not responsible for any of your failure. Therefore, if you want FOLLOW it or IGNORE it. Regards

CSS Original Current Affairs Paper 2022 by FPSC year 2022

Here is the original Paper, and ALHAMDULLIAH our guesses were out of the blue where academies conducted lots of papers but their topics merely come in the paper but our one guess paper’s four topics have been asked in the paper. You can see it here…

CSS Current Affairs Paper 2022 by FPSC year 2022
CSS Current Affairs Paper 2022

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