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Election Officer 2020 Complete Solved MCQs Past Paper – Page 5

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The Russian Nuclear Submarine

“Kursh” was submerged underwater in :

  1. Mediterranean Sea
  2. Barents Sea
  3. Siberian Sea
  4. Baltic Sea

Short Derail :

– Barents Sea is located between Norway and Russia.

– The area of Barents Sea is 1.4 Million Km2•

– The mean depth of Barents Sea is 229 Meters.


“Diego Garcia” is a

  1. United Kingdom Military base in the Indian Ocean
  2. French Surface to Surfae Missile
  3. Airline of Singapore
  4. None of these


Diego Garcia is basically an Island in the British Indian Ocean Territory.

The area of this island is 30Km2 •


Quad EAS countries are :

  1. Hungary
  2. Switzerland
  3. Latvia
  4. Estonia


– EAS stands for East Asia Summit.

– EAS consist of 18 countries

including ASEAN Countries.


Khardung La:

  1. Mountain Pass of Spain
  2. Mountain Pass Bulgaria
  3. Mountain Pass India
  4. None of these


– Khardung La is a Mountain Pass in the territory of India near Laddakh.


The language with highest number of


  1. Cambodian
  2. Chinese
  3. Malaysian
  4. Japanese


– There are 74 letters in Cambodian language.

– The Cambodian language is also called Khmer.


Famous Novel “Pride & Predudice” is

Written by:

  1. Family Broute
  2. Jene Eyrre
  3. Thomas Henlehy
  4. Jane Austen


– Pride & Prejudice is a romantic


– Pride & Prejudice novel was

published on 28th January 1813.


Panipat is a famous ground near :

  1. Jaipur
  2. Delhi
  3. Ludhiana
  4. None of these


– Panipat ground is 90 Km away from Delhi.

– There are fought three wars in 1526, 1556 and 1761.


Panipat is a famous ground near :

  1. Jaipur
  2. Delhi
  3. Ludhiana
  4. None of these


– Panipat ground is 90 Km away from Delhi.

– There are fought three wars in 1526, 1556 and 1761.


Akbar built Lahore Fort in

  1. 1566AD
  2. 1552AD
  3. 1565AD
  4. 1575AD


Bairum Khan was a tutor of:

  1. Akbar and Babar
  2. Humayun and Akbar
  3. Aurangzeb and Babar
  4. All of the Above


– Bairum Khan also guided Akbar for four years from 1556 to 1560.


Hajjatul balagah book was written by :

  1. Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi
  2. Mirza Muhammad Baig
  3. Meer Taki Meer
  4. Shah Wali Ullah


– Shah Wali Ullah wrote 51 books in Persian and Arabic.


In which battle Zubair bin Awaam (R.A)

lwas martyred?

  1. Sadar
  2. Sutfin
  3. Uhad
  4. None of these


– Zubair bin Awaam (R.A) was martyred in Battle of Jamel or Battle of Camel.


No of Clauses of Madina Charter?

  1. 47
  2. 42
  3. 37
  4. 21


– Charter of Madina was signed in 622 CE.


Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A) was born in _____ AD.

  1. 573
  2. 572
  3. 571
  4. 570


Who helped the Holy Prophet (PBUH) while

the Prophet (PBUH) was injured in the battle of Uhad?

  1. Utba lbn E Abi Waqas (R.A)
  2. Zaid Bin Haris (R.A)
  3. Umar (R.A)
  4. None of the above


What was the age of the Holy Prophet

(PBUH) at the time of Battle of Badar?

  1. 56
  2. 58
  3. 50
  4. None of these


– The age of Holy Prophet (PBUH) was 54 years at the time of Battle of Badar.

– Battle of Badar was fought on 17th

Ramzan 2nd Hijri.


Karbala is located near the?

  1. Tigris River
  2. Euphrates River
  3. Karun
  4. Zayadah


– Battle of Karbala was fought in 61 H ijri.


Umar (R.A) was born in AD.

  1. 555
  2. 564
  3. 547
  4. None of these


– Umar (R.A) was born in 584 AD in Makkah.


How many Muslims were Martyred in

Ghazwa E Uhad?

  1. 15
  2. 12
  3. 14
  4. None of these


– There are martyred 46 Muslims in Battle of Uhad.


The first biography on the life of Holy

Prophet (PBUH) was written by:

  1. lbn E Haroon
  2. lbn E lshaq
  3. Abi Ta Iha
  4. lbn E Hatim


When did people refuse to pay Zakat?

  1. In the period of Usman (R.A)
  2. In the period of Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)
  3. In the period of Umar (R.A)
  4. In the period of Ali (R.A)

NOTE: These MCQs are taken from users who appeared in the ELECTION OFFICERs (BS-17) 2015 test, therefore, some MCQs are updated while others will be updated whenever it is required. If you find any obsolete information, please write in the comment box below. Please share the rest of the MCQs in the comment box if you remember.

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