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Facts and Figures For CSS MPT 2024

Here, you will have all the Facts and Figures for CSS Special Competitive Exams of 2023 & PMS including other Competitive Exams conducted in Pakistan. The facts and figures that you may find here are very useful for upcoming competitive exams. It is important to provide proper references and citations for the facts and figures you use in exams, as it helps to establish the credibility and reliability of the information. Make sure to take note of the sources for all the facts and figures you use, so that you can easily reference them in your exam responses.

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Facts and Figures For 2024 CSS MPT and PMS by CSSMCQs.Com



  • GDP of Pakistan 2023
    According to Asian Development Bank Outlook Report issued in April 2022, Pakistan’s GDP growth is projected to slow to 4 per cent in FY 2022 from 5.6 per cent as government applies measures to reduce the current account deficit, raises international reserves and cuts inflation. Growth is expected to accelerate to 4.5 per cent in FY 2023 due to stronger private consumption and investment.| PDF REPORT
  • Pakistan Flood Destruction in 2022
    According to National Disaster Management Authority, these floods have wrought destruction of epic proportions. In addition to over 1,500 deaths, more than 33 million people — including 11m children — have been severely impacted. More than 375 bridges and almost 13,000 kilometres of roads have been washed away. Over 1.9m homes have been damaged, while 2.8m hectares (around 7m acres) of agricultural land in Sindh is submerged. At the same time, the floods have caused massive damage to livestock that serves as a primary asset for poor people, as almost a million animals have perished in the deluge. | DETAILS
  • Human Development Index (HDI) 2022
    According to Human Development Index (HDI) 2022, Pakistan ranks 161 out of 192 countries. Only Pakistan (161st position) and Afghanistan (180th position) are in the low human development category. However, Sri Lanka and the Islamic Republic of Iran are doing very good in HDI 2022 where Sri Lanka ranks on 73rd position and Iran ranks 76th position while India ranks 132 out of 192 countries and territories in the Human Development Report 2021/2022 released on Thursday (September 8, 2022). | DETAILS
  • Literacy Rate in Pakistan 2023
    As per the Pakistan Economic Survey 2022-23, the literary rate was recorded at 62.8pc in the country, comprising 73.4pc males and 51.9pc females where more than 23 million children are out of school.  | DETAILS
  • Pakistan GDP on Education 2023
    The Economic Survey of Pakistan 2022-23 has pointed government spent only 1.7 per cent of GDP on education during the last year.| DETAILS  
  • The unemployment rate in Pakistan
    Unemployment 9% (2020-21) Labour Force Survey (LFS) | DETAILS
  • Sustainable Development Goal Report 2021 Pakistan
    Despite the Covid-19 global pushback, Pakistan’s SDG Global Rank is 129 (out of 193) in 2021, improved by five ranks, 134 (out of 166) in 2020. | News | (PDF DETAILS)
  • The Total Population of Pakistan and its Growth Rate
    According to the final results of the 7th Digital Census 2023 of Pakistan, the population of Pakistan is 241.49 million with a population growth rate of 2.55%. | DETAILS
    Pakistan’s population ranking in Asia is fourth, behind China, India, and Indonesia. The majority of Pakistan’s population, around 96%, is Muslim. The six major ethnic groups in Pakistan are:

    1. Punjabis – 45%
    2. Pashtuns – 15%
    3. Sindhis – 14%
    4. Saraiki – 8%
    5. Baloch – 5%
    6. Others – 13%
  • Pakistan lost due to Terrorism
    According to the South Asia Terrorism Portal, Pakistan saw 319 terrorism-related incidents in 2020 and 169 associated deaths of civilians. However, as per Pakistan Economic Survey 2017-18 during the last 17 years, the direct and indirect costs incurred by Pakistan due to incidents of terrorism amounted to US$ 126.79 billion equivalent to Rs. 10,762.64 billion. | DETAILS
  • Corruption rate in Pakistan 2022
    Pakistan is the 140 least corrupt nation out of 180 countries, according to the 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International. Pakistan dropped 16 places in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2021, it ranked 140 out of 180 countries, according to Transparency International. | DETAILS
  • The poverty rate in Pakistan
    40% of a country’s population is earning their life below the poverty line. As per World Bank 2021 report, it is 39.3% | DETAILS
  • Inflation rate in Pakistan 2023
    Pakistan’s general inflation measured by Consumer Price Index (CPI) clocked in at a 24-month peak of 13% in January 2022. According to the World Bank report, Pakistan’s inflation is projected to further rise to 29.5 per cent in the fiscal year 2023. | DETAILS | Report WB
  • Water-Shortage capacity in PakistanAccording to UN Development Programme, the water-shortage capacity available in Pakistan is 121 cubic meters per person. Per capita surface water availability of 5,260 cubic metres per year in 1951 turned into around 1,000 cubic metres in 2016. This is likely to further drop to about 860 cubic meters by 2025. The PCRWR describe that Pakistan reached the “water stress line” in 1990 and crossed the “water scarcity line” in 2005. | DETAILS
  • Global Climate Risk Index 2021 rate of Pakistan

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