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FIA VU SI & ASI Test questions with Answers

Here, you will have Some questions with answer of FIA Virtual University computer based test conducted today on 13/12/2021.

Today FIA VU SI & ASI Test questions with Answers

1.Bativa old name of?
2.LDA stand for?
Ans: Lyme Disease Association
3.Ctrl+z key for previous action?
Ans: Undo
4 Professional social media app?
5.Social media app to sharing pics n videos?
Ans;:Google Photos
6.Lack Jackson location?
7.Rainiest place of Pakistan?
Ans: Murree
8.Objective movement present for?
Ans: Making new constitution
9.East Pakistan new name?
Ans: Bangladesh
10.Pakistan wins first hockey final for gold medal in which year?
11.Australia won world cup final 2007 against?
Ans: Sri Lanka
13.Bigest unit of memory?
14.MB stand for?
Ans: Mega bytes
15. Brazil won football cups how many times?
16. In Quba hazart Muhammad SAW hosted by?
Ans:Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari
17. Zakat & usher ordinance year?
Ans: 1980
18. Nissab of Gold zkat?
Ans: 7.5 tola
Ans: Hazrat Essa AS
20. Azan not compulsory for two prayers?
Ans: Funeral and Eid
21. Nehro report presented under the chairmanship of?
Ans: Moti lal Nehru
22. Saark organization HQ location?
Ans: Kathmandu Nepal
23. In the absence of president of Pakistan who become president?
Ans: chairman Senate
24. In Ms Excel coulmn present in?
25. In power point first slide name?
Ans; blank or title slide
26. Biggest export of Pakistan?
27. pakistan joined seato and cento in which year?
28 Biggest cell in human body?
Ans;the ovum
29. Pituitary gland work?
Ans:release hormones.
30. Balochistan area percentage total area of Pakistan?
Ans: 43.6%
31. Sir Creek line between India and Pakistan which boundary?
Ans:Gujarat and Sindh
32.longest surah of Holy Quran?
Ans: Surah Bakra
33.Name the bird which is mentioned in Holy Quran?
Ans:Hud Hud
34-SIMM stand for?
Ans:single in-line memory module
35-WAN and MAN are component of?
Ans: Computer network
Ans: compact Disc
37-Holy Quran descend to which prophet?
Ans: Hazrat Muhammad SAW
38.Facebook founded in?
Ans: 2004
39.leaders book written by?
Ans: Richard Nixon
40.which country completed covid 19 vaccination first?
Ans: Answer not founded
41.Christian population percentage in world population?
42.the disease which spread in air?
Ans:Airborne diseases

This was FIA Test conducted on 13-12-2021 by virtual University (VU) CBT.

If the aforementioned Answer is Wrong. Leave a Reply with an authentic source.