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First in Pakistan Mcqs Timeline pdf

Pakistan came into being in 1947. After its inception, many events occurred which changed the history of Pakistan. Therefore, such events and dates are important to be remembered for the sake of MCQs for the various exams of Pakistan.
Here, in this list First in Pakistan Mcqs Timeline pdf are given.

First in Pakistan
First in Pakistan Mcqs Timeline pdf History since 1947

First in Pakistan Mcqs Timeline pdf History since 1947

  1. Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan.
  2. Pakistan opened its first embassy in Iran.
  3. Egypt was the first country to open its embassy in Pakistan.
  4. First governor of State Bank was Zahid Hussain.
  5. First Lady governor was Rana Liaquat Ali (Sindh) 1973-1976.
  6. First lady federal minister was VikarunNisa Noor (Tourism).
  7. First state to join Pakistan was BahawulPur, 1954.
  8. Pakistan cricket team first visited England.
  9. First captain of cricket team was Abdul Hafeez Kardar.
  10. First century was completed by NazarMohammd against India in 1954 in Lacknow.
  11. First Woman University is located in Rawalpindi.
  12. First governor of Punjab was Francis Moody.
  13. First CM of Punjab was Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot.
  14. First Governor of Sindh was Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah.
  15. First CM of Sindh was AyubKhoro.
  16. First Governor of Baluchistan was Lt: General Riaz Hussain.
  17. First CM of Baluchistan was AttaullahMengal.
  18. First Chief Justice of Pakistan was Sir Abdur Rasheed.
  19. First PM of Azad Kashmir was Abdul Hamid Khan.
  20. First President of AJK was Sardar Ibrahim Khan.
  21. First Commander-in-Chief of Pak Army was Frank Miservi.
  22. First chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee was General MohdSahrif.
  23. First chief of Staff of armed forces was General Tikka Khan.
  24. First governor State Bank was Zahid Hussain.
  25. First daily newspaper is Amroz 1947.
  26. First lady pilot was Shukriya Khanum.
  27. First museum of Pak established in Karachi in 1950.
  28. First Bank was United Bank (7th August, 1947)
  29. First Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan was Mr. Khan F.M.Khan (25th March,
  30. 1956)
  31. Election Commision was created on 23rd March, 1956 under Article 137 of 1956
  32. First Muslim Commander in Chief of Pakistan was Ayub Khan.
  33. First Radio Station established was of Karachi.
  34. First T.V station was setup at Lahore on Nov: 26, 1964.
  35. First lady Lady Major General in Pak: Dr. Shahida Malik.
  36. First Space satellite was launched by Pakistan in 1990.
  37. First private TV Channel STN launched in 1990.
  38. First Chairman Senate was Habibullah Khan.
  39. First woman judge of High Court was Majida Rizvi.
  40. First constructed barrage of Pakistan Sukkur Barrage.
  41. First Secretary General of Pakistan was Ch. Mohd Ali.
  42. First bio-gas plant was installed in 1974.
  43. First woman bank established on Dec: 1, 1989.
  44. Khan Qayyum Khan was called the iron man of (KPK) NWFP.
  45. Badshahi mosque built in 1670 A.D.
  46. The largest Hockey stadium is National Hockey Stadium Lahore.
  47. First minority minister of Pakistan was Joginder Nath Mandal held the portfolio of law.
  48. The largest railway tunnel is Khojak.
  49. Smallest dam of Pakistan is Warsak dam.
  50. The largest fort of Pakistan is ―Rani Kot.
  51. Nishan-e- Pakistan is the highest civil award of Pakistan.
  52. Second highest civil award is Hilal-e- Pakistan.
  53. Ayub National Park (Rawalpinidi) is the The largest Park in Pakistan.
  54. Jinnah Awami League was the first opposition party of our country.
  55. Liaquat ali Khan visited America in May 1950.
  56. Awami League was found by Abdul HamededBhashani in 1950.
  57. The first Pakistan women hockey match in Pakistan was Played in 1985.
  58. Khojak is the The largest Railway Tunnel of Pakistan.
  59. Lahore Museum is the biggest Museum in Pakistan.
  60. The largest Railway station is Lahore.
  61. Highest Pass is Muztag Pass which connects Gilgit to Xinkiyang.
  62. The largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal or Sukkur Barrage or Lance Down Pull built in
  63. The largest Cement Plant is Lucky Cement Plant near LukiMarwat.
  64. The largest road is Shahrah-e- Pakistan.
  65. Shortest river is Ravi.
  66. Smallest division is Karachi.
  67. The largest division is Kalat.
  68. The largest division of Sindh is Therparkar.
  69. Habib Bank Plaza Karachi has 23 stories (345 ft).
  70. Minar-e- Pakistan is 196 ft, 8 inches high.
  71. Pakistan has its longest boundary with Afghanistan.
  72. Pakistan is 34th The largest country in the world, 6th population wise.
  73. Smallest civil award is Tamg-e-Khidmat.
  74. Highest dam is Mangla dam.
  75. Pakistan expedition to Antarctica reached on 5 Jan, 1991 established Jinnah Research
  76. Longest tenure as Governor General was Ghulam Mohammad.
  77. Longest tenure as President was Ayub Khan.
  78. Longest period of rule was of Zia-ul-haq.
  79. Shortest tenure as PM of Ayub Khan (3 days) then Shujaat Hussain (47 days).
  80. Shortest tenure as President is of Bhutto.
  81. Shortest tenure as Governor General is of Quaid-e- Azam.
  82. The largest library is Quaid-e-Azam library.
  83. The largest University is in Punjab.
  84. The only non-military shaheed to receive Nishan-e-Haider was SubaidarLalik Jan he belonged to NLI.
  85. Highest peak of Sulaiman mountains is Takht-e-Sulaiman.
  86. Highest peak is K2 (Goodwin Austin 5,611 meters) (28238 ft).
  87. 2nd The largest glacier of Pakistan is Batura.
  88. The largest Island of Pakistan is Manora.
  89. Smallest city is Jehlum.
  90. Rainiest city is RawalPindi.
  91. Rainiest place is Muree.
  92. First Medical College was Nishtar Medical College.
  93. Smallest Dam is Warsak dam.
  94. The largest mountain range is Karakoram.
  95. First private airline of Pakistan is Hajvari.
  96. Pak‘s Second The largest city is Lahore.
  97. Zafarullah khan was the first foreign minister of Pakistan.
  98. Keenjhar is the The largest man made (artificial) lake in Pakistan.
  99. Manchar Lake is the biggest lake of Pakistan.
  100. Trich Mir is the highest peak of Hindu Kush.
  101. In Pakistan, first woman bank was established in the year 1989.
  102. The highest point of the Khyber Pass is LandhiKotal.
  103. The first atomic power station of Pakistan was installed in Karachi.
  104. The First President of America who made an official visit to Pakistan was Dwight D. Eishenhower.
  105. The largest airline is PIA.
  106. The largest airport is Quaid-e-Azam Internationl Airport, Karachi.
  107. The largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal.
  108. The largest dam is Terbela.
  109. The largest desert is Thar.
  110. The largest district is Khuzdar (Baluchistan).
  111. The largest industial unit is Pakistan Steel Mill.
  112. The largest industry is Textile.
  113. The largest island is Manora (Karachi).
  114. The largest Jungle is Changa Manga (Kasur).
  115. The largest lake (natural) is Manchar.
  116. The largest library is Pujab Public Library, Lahore.
  117. The largest mine is Salt Mines of Khewra.
  118. The largest motorway is Lahore-Islamabad.
  119. The largest museum is National Meseum, Karachi.
  120. The largest circulated urdu newspaper is ―Jang‖, Enghish is ―The News‖.
  121. The largest nuclear reactor is KANUPP, Karachi.
  122. The largest oil field is Dhurnal Oil Field.
  123. The largest Radio Station is in Islamabad.
  124. The largest university is Punjab University, Lahore.
  125. The largest railway platform is of Rohri.
  126. Longest railway track is from Karachi to LandiKotal.
  127. Longest road is from Karachi to Peshawar.
  128. The first TV station in Pakistan started at Lahore.
  129. Pakistan‘s first radio station was set up at Karachi.
  130. Mountbatten came to India in March 1947.
  131. Mountbatten was an officer in British Navy.
  132. Plan for the Separation of Indo Pakistan was announced on 23rd June 1947.
  133. Election to the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan took place in 1946.
  134. The first Cabinet of Pakistan consisted of 7 members.
  135. Finance Portfolio in the first Cabinet was held by Malik Ghulam Muhammad.
  136. Approximate population of Pakistan at the inception in 1947 was Seven 7 crores.
  137. First census of Pakistan was held in 1951.
  138. Population of west Pakistan in 1951was 34 million.
  139. The only country to oppose Pakistan‘s entrance into the UNO in1947 was Afghanistan.
  140. Total area of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 was 84,471 sq. miles.
  141. India stopped the passage of water from the rivers Ravi and Sutluj in April 1948.
  142. Amir of Kuwait he was the first head of state to visit Pakistan in 1947.
  143. Quaid- e -Azam relief fund was set up in September 1947.
  144. At the time of division the cash balances of undivided India stood at about Rs. 4,000
  145. India and Pakistan mutually came to an agreement that Pakistan would get Rs. 750 crore
  146. as her share.
  147. Only Rs. 200 crors had been paid as an interim installment.
  148. Francis Moody was the first Governor of Punjab.
  149. Governor Moody imposed the Governor Rule in Punjab in January 1949.
  150. Pakistan Fund was setup by Quaid in June 1947.
  151. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid in July 1948.
  152. The initial assets of SBP were equal to three Crore.
  153. Karachi was declared Federal area by the legislative Assembly in May 1948.
  154. Pakistan‘s flag was designed by two brothers and name of one of them is Altaf Hussain.
  155. White strip in the flag was added in August 1947. When was moon and star added in the flag February 1949.
  156. The Quaid delivered his last message to the nation on 27th August, 1948.Most Important Points About Pakistan

Pak Study MCQs by CSSMCQs

Pak Study MCQs CSSMCQs

Pak Study MCQs CSSMCQs

In this section, you will get Mcqs of Pakistan Studies for NTS, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS Test Preparation. Basic Information About Pakistan Here are the Different Categories related to PakStudy Mcqs. From past since 1947 to the current time all Pak Study MCQs by CSSMCQs will be shared.



> Pakistan General Knowledge Important MCQs with answers

> MCQs of All 1956, 1962 & 1973 Constitutions of Pakistan with their answers

> CSS Pakistan Affairs MCQs

> CSS MCQs PAST PAPER Quiz in Pakistan Affairs

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