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FPSC GR Challan Form | Download PDF

Challan Form (Recruitment to BS-16 & above)

FPSC CSS MPT Challan form 2023 download pdf

Special CSS Screening Test Challan Rs. 250/-

CHALLAN FORM – Written CSS Competitive Examination-2023

Click To Download | Written Challan Rs. 2,200/-

Download CSS Special Screening CHALLAN

Are you looking for FPSC CSS Challan form 2023 download pdf? Click below to download FPSC CSS Challan form 2023 in pdf. Here, you can get the CSS Screening Test challan form 2023 and also the Challan form for General recruitment of FPSC. Click below to download it in pdf

Special CSS CE MCQ Based Preliminary Test (MPT)

To view / download Public Notice, Click here

To view / download Rules for MPT, Click here

To view / download Syllabi for MPT, Click here

To view / download Syllabi for CSS Main Exam, Click here

To view / download Rules for CSS Main Exam, Click here

To view / download Challan Form for Special CSS CE MPT, Click here

To Apply Online for FPSC Exam 

FPSC Challan Form: A Comprehensive Guide to Downloading the PDF

The Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) is responsible for conducting competitive examinations and selecting suitable candidates for federal government jobs in Pakistan. To apply for an FPSC exam or job, candidates are required to submit a challan form to the designated bank to pay the application fee. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on downloading the FPSC challan form in PDF format.

What is an FPSC Challan Form?

An FPSC challan form is a payment voucher used to deposit the examination or application fee for the FPSC exams or jobs. It contains the details of the candidate, the bank, and the amount to be deposited. The challan form can be downloaded from the FPSC website and submitted to the designated bank for payment.

How to Download the FPSC Challan Form?

Downloading the FPSC challan form is a simple process. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official FPSC website (https://www.fpsc.gov.pk/).
  2. Click on the “Download” tab in the main menu.
  3. Click on the “Challan Form” link.
  4. Select the relevant option (e.g., CSS Exam Fee, Recruitment Fee, etc.).
  5. Click on the “Download” button to save the PDF file to your device.

Filling Out the FPSC Challan Form

Once you have downloaded the FPSC challan form, you need to fill it out with the relevant details. The form has three sections:

Section 1: Candidate Information

In this section, you need to provide your personal information, including your name, father’s name, CNIC number, and contact details.

Section 2: Bank Information

In this section, you need to provide the details of the bank where you will deposit the fee. This includes the name of the bank, branch code, and account number.

Section 3: Amount Information

In this section, you need to provide the details of the fee you will deposit. This includes the name of the exam or job, the fee amount, and the date of payment.

Submitting the FPSC Challan Form

Once you have filled out the FPSC challan form, you need to submit it to the designated bank along with the fee amount. The bank will stamp and sign the form as proof of payment. You should keep a copy of the form and the deposit slip for your records.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I submit the FPSC challan form online?
    No, you need to submit the challan form to the designated bank in person.
  2. Can I use the same challan form for multiple exams or jobs?
    No, you need to download a separate challan form for each exam or job.
  3. Can I pay the FPSC fee through online banking?
    No, you need to deposit the fee in cash or through a bank draft.
  4. Can I get a refund if I don’t appear for the exam?
    No, the fee is non-refundable.
  5. Can I use the same challan form for multiple fee payments?
    No, you need to download a separate challan form for each fee payment.


In conclusion, downloading the FPSC challan form is a simple process that can be done from the official FPSC website. The form needs to be filled out with the relevant details and submitted to the designated bank along with the fee amount. We hope that this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to downloading the FPSC challan form in PDF format. If you have any further questions or queries, please refer to the FAQs section or contact the FPSC for assistance.



    1. Deposit 250/-as Exam Fee, before the closing date in the nearest Government Treasury/State Bank of Pakistan/National Bank of Pakistan under the account head “C02101-Organs of State Exam fee” (FPSC Receipt) and bring Original Challan form at Exam Center at the time of appearing in the Test. To download Challan Form, Click Here
    2. Download computer-generated Admission Certificates from the FPSC website e. www.fpsc.gov.pk. In this regard, no intimation shall be sent through post etc.
    3. Be informed that the examination centre once selected shall not be changed, No request in this regard shall be entertained thereafter.
    4. Correctly enter CNIC Number & Date of Birth in the online form. Wrong entry may lead to rejection.
    5. Strict compliance with CSS CE Rules is required and their acceptance by candidates is a pre-requisite.
    6. FPSC has Zero tolerance against cheating and candidates are required to be fully aware of it.
    7. Following numbers can be contacted for further information or queries if required;

Director (CE)

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