CSS English Precis And Composition Paper 2022 Solved MCQs Quiz

Here, you can take a quiz in CSS English Precis and Composition Paper 2022 MCQs Quiz. After Submitting your online quiz, you will get answers and complete the solved Paper of English Precis And Composition  2022.

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FPSC CSS English Precis and Composition MCQs

Quiz Instructions:

  • Same as CSS Paper, there are 20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to solve in 20minutes for each CSS MCQ test.
  • Every time you start the test, the question number and the answer to the questions will change randomly.
  • Practice each quiz test many times until you get an 80% score(i.e 18 MCQs correct).
  • At the End of the Test, you will see CORRECT answers and your Test Score, Percentage and Rating etc.
  • After finishing your Test you will get all the correct answers and explanations of difficult MCQs too.
  • Please note that for this QUIZ ALL questions are taken from CSS FPSC English Precis And Composition Paper 2021 paper.
  • If you find any error and you sure that the given answer is or explanation is NOT correct. Comment in the box below with the authentic source.

This was the most tough Paper and the Vocabulary i.e Antonyms and Synonyms were out of the blue. Therefore, must share your score with us if you get more than 50% Score only:)


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Quiz in CSS English Precis And Composition Paper 2022 Solved MCQs

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How was your performance in CSS English Precis And Composition Paper 2022 Solved MCQs Quiz?

NOTE: In CSS Exam, English précis and composition Sections-A 20 MCQs Part contains only Vocabulary i.e 10 Synonyms and 10 Antonyms which are always based on the previous year’s newspapers’ headlines, events, and terms and all major affairs.
So, If you have studied the Dawn news thoroughly the entire year. Chances are many that you will correct them.
Please, attempt this quiz without any external source and must share your score with us in the comment box below:)

To take Quiz in other papers of CSS Exam click below.

CSS English Precis and Composition 2005-2021

CSS English Precis and Composition 2021
CSS English Precis and Composition-2020
CSS English Precis and Composition-2019
CSS English Precis and Composition-2018
CSS English Precis and Composition-2017
CSS English Precis and Composition-2016
CSS English Precis and Composition-2015
CSS English Precis and Composition-2014
CSS English Precis and Composition-2013
CSS English Precis and Composition-2012
CSS English Precis and Composition-2011
CSS English Precis and Composition-2010
CSS English Precis and Composition-2009
CSS English Precis and Composition-2008
CSS English Precis and Composition-2007
CSS English Precis and Composition-2006
CSS English Precis and Composition-2005



This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. musabmunir

    sir i think antonym of gumption is levity

  2. kainat fatima

    I think the antonym of peaked is ruddy

If the aforementioned Answer is Wrong. Leave a Reply with an authentic source.