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FPSC FBR Apprasing valuation bps-16 officer Batch 2 paper 25 sept 2020

In this post, you will find Today (25 sept 2020) original paper Mcqs of FBR Apprasing valuation bps-16 officer Batch 2 paper 25 sept 2020. You can download Apprasing officer paper Mcqs conducted by FPSC.

FPSC past papers MCQs

FPSC Appraising Officer Paper MCQs

1. Literary meaning of hajj? The will of visit
2. How many years did Hazrat Esha R.a live after the demise of Hazrat Muhammad SAAW? 46 years
3. In which hijri Khalid-bin-Waleed r.a died in ? 642 AD
4. Zaboor book revealed on which prophet? Hazrat dawood A.S
5. Gazwa e Ahzab meaning ? Allies
6. How much camels sacrificed by Hazrat Muhammad in hajj (P.B.U.H)? 63
7. Ghawa e badar fought in ? 2 hijri
8. Hajj is the pilgrimage made to? Kabah
9. Holy Prophet (PBUH) had 10 paternal Uncles and paternal aunts? 6 aunts
10. How prophet hood rewarded? Bestowed by Allah
11.Pakistan joined ASEAN on? 2004
12.Palestine liberation organization found in? 28 may 1964
13.Neymar is the player of which country? Brazil
14. Quad e Azam held which other ministry other than Governal journal of pakistan? Refugee rehabilitation
15. Gawadar remained under the rule of Oman for ? 200 years
16. David malpas is 13th President of ? World Bank
17. How much World bank gave fund to pakistan for fighting against Covid 19? 200 million
18. Allah iqbal did his p.hd from ? Munich University Germany
19. Which of the main mineral or product produce by pakistan? Gypsum
20. secularism means state cannot interfere with the? Religious affairs
21.Bawalpur join pakistan in ? 14 october 1955
22. The Houthi rebels in yemen also called ? Ansar Allah
23. International women’s day will be celebrated on? 8 march 2021
24. Where kulbhushan yadev arrested from? Balochistan
25. Indian piolet Abhinanden was a? Wing commander
26. What length of Pakistan costal line ? 1046 kilometers
27. Charman of Cpec authority? Asim saleem bajwa
28. SAARC SDC forum is short form of? SAARC documentation centre
29. General Zial ul haq replaced which president in 1978 ?
30. PIA hotel name in New york is? The Roosoevelt hotel
32. UK high court decided that 35 million pounds of nizam money in the favour of? India
33. Desease attacks at respiratory system,which spread coughing and sneezing ? Covid-19
34. U.S taliban agreement 29 february, 2020 speaks that the land of afghanistan will not be used against the? Us and its Allies
35. The sikh darbar at lahore was surrender to british empire by? Duleep singh
36. Funds are allocated mainly on the basis of international development and economic management which provides by? IDA (international development association)
37. Suharwardi silsila started in pakistan from ? Bahauddin zakariya
38. Houthi movement started in?

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Abdul Rehman

    Great work….

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