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Improves understanding of Islamic history and principles.
Below are MCQs of the CSS 2025 Islamic Studies MCQs with explanations:
Which event was called Fateh Mubeen (Clear Victory) in the Holy Qur’an?
Peace of Hudaybiyah
Conquest of Makkah
Battle of Badr
None of these
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Explanation: The Peace of Hudaybiyah is referred to as “Fateh Mubeen,” meaning a Clear Victory, in the Holy Quran. Although it appeared to be a concession to the Quraish at the time, it paved the way for the peaceful Conquest of Makkah and the spread of Islam.
If the husband is childless, how much does the widow get from the husband’s inheritance?
None of these
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Explanation: In Islamic inheritance law, if a husband passes away and is childless, his widow is entitled to one-fourth (1/4) of his estate. If there are children, her share becomes one-eighth (1/8).
Ghazwa Khandaq is called as:
Ghazwa al-Ahzab
Yum Al-Furqan
Ghazwa Zaat-ul-Salsil
None of these
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Explanation: Ghazwa Khandaq, a significant battle in Islamic history, is also known as Ghazwa al-Ahzab. “Khandaq” refers to the trench that was dug for defense, while “Ahzab” means “the Confederates,” referring to the allied tribes that attacked Madinah.
Abdullah bin Salam (RA) was _______ before accepting Islam.
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Explanation: Abdullah bin Salam (RA), a highly respected companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was a prominent Jewish Rabbi in Madinah before he embraced Islam. His acceptance of Islam is a notable event in early Islamic history.
Zainab bint Khuzrima (may Allah be pleased with her) belonged to the Messenger of Allah as:
None of these
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Explanation: Zainab bint Khuzrima (RA) was honored as one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). She was known for her generosity and was also called “Umm al-Masakin” (Mother of the Poor).
At what time is the Kusoof prayer performed?
solar eclipse
lunar eclipse
None of these
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Explanation: The special prayer known as Salat al-Kusoof is performed at the time of a solar eclipse. It is a prayer of supplication and reflection observed by Muslims during this natural phenomenon.
Hudaybiyyah peace document was written from Muslims side by:
Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA)
Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq (R.A)
Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib (RA)
None of these
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Explanation: The Hudaybiyyah peace document, a crucial agreement between the Muslims and the Quraish, was written on behalf of the Muslims by Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA), who was known for his writing skills and trustworthiness. While Hazrat Ali (RA) is also often associated with writing treaties, Hazrat Zaid is indicated in some sources as the scribe for this specific document.
Among the Ummahat ul Momineen (mothers of the believers) is:
Umme Hani
None of these
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Explanation: Khaula bint Hakim (RA) is indeed among the Ummahat ul Momineen, which translates to “Mothers of the Believers.” This title is given to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Islamic tradition, honoring their status.
Hadith Taqreeri mentions:
The silence of the Messenger of Allah on the work of a companion
The speeches of the Messenger of Allah
The conversation of the Companions
None of these
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Explanation: Hadith Taqreeri, one of the types of Hadith, refers to the traditions that document the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) approval or silent consent regarding an action or statement of his companions. This tacit approval is also considered a form of Sunnah.
The basic obligatory action of Hajj is:
Wuquf e Arafah
None of these
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Explanation: Wuquf e Arafah, or standing in Arafah on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, is considered the most essential and obligatory action (Fard) of Hajj. If a pilgrim misses Wuquf e Arafah, their Hajj is not valid and must be performed again.
Dare Arqam was located in:
None of these
Madinah Munawarah
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Explanation: Historically, Dar Arqam, which served as an early center for learning and gathering for new Muslims in the initial days of Islam, was located in Makkah, near the hill of Safa.
To whom did Haroon Al-Rashid give the responsibility of writing a book on finance?
Imam Abu Yusuf
Imam Awzai
Imam Muhammad bin Hasan
None of these
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Explanation: Imam Abu Yusuf, a prominent jurist and a student of Imam Abu Hanifa, was given the responsibility by the Abbasid Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid to write a book on finance. This book is historically significant for its contribution to early Islamic economic thought and governance.
The author of Kitab al-Hind is:
Abu Rayhan al-Biruni
Amir Khusrau
Abu al-Fazl
None of those
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Explanation: Kitab al-Hind, a renowned historical and cultural study of India, was authored by Abu Rayhan al-Biruni. Al-Biruni was a scholar and polymath who traveled to India and meticulously documented its culture, sciences, and religions in this book.
Sheikh Ali Hajwiri came to Lahore during whose period?
Mahmood Ghaznavi
Masood Ghaznavi
Shahabuddin Ghori
None of these
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Explanation: Sheikh Ali Hajwiri, also known as Data Ganj Bakhsh, a revered Sufi saint of the subcontinent, is believed to have come to Lahore during the reign of Mahmood Ghaznavi in the 11th century. His arrival marked an important phase in the spread of Sufism in the region.
Who was the first to treat Hindus as people of the book in his time?
Muhammad bin Qasim
Hazrat Usman Ghani
Muhllab bin Abi Safra
None of these
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Explanation: Muhammad bin Qasim, the young Muslim general who conquered Sindh, is historically noted as the first Muslim ruler to treat Hindus as “People of the Book” (Ahl al-Kitab) in the Indian subcontinent. This classification granted them a degree of religious protection and status similar to Jews and Christians under Islamic rule.
The Messenger of Allah stood in respect for the funeral of a:
None of these
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Explanation: There are narrations in Hadith mentioning that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once stood up in respect for a passing funeral procession of a Jew. This act is often cited to emphasize the Islamic emphasis on respect for all human beings, regardless of faith, even in death.
Shaykh Ahmad Sirhandi’s line of Sufism was:
None of these
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Explanation: Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi, a significant figure in Islamic scholarship and renewal in the Mughal era, was a prominent leader and renewer of the Naqshbandiya Sufi order which is not given in the options
During whose rule the subcontinent had 25% of the world’s total GDP?
Aurangzeb Alamgir
Akbar Azam
Shah Jahan
None of these
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Explanation: Historical economic estimates suggest that during the rule of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir, the Indian subcontinent’s economy reached a size that accounted for approximately 25% of the world’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This period represents a time of significant economic strength for the region.
The aim of the Silk Handkerchief Movement was to achieve freedom of which country?
None of these
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Explanation: The Silk Handkerchief Movement, also known as Tehreek-e-Reshmi Rumal, was a movement during the British Raj aimed at achieving the independence of the Indian subcontinent. It sought to mobilize support for freedom from British rule, particularly during World War I.
________ is called the New Testament.
None of these
Suhuf Ibrahim
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Explanation: The correct answer is: None of these. In Islamic terminology, different revelations were given to various prophets. The Torah (Tawrat) was revealed to Moses, the Psalms (Zabur) to David, and the Scrolls of Abraham (Suhuf Ibrahim) to Abraham. The revelation given to Jesus is called the Injil, not the New Testament. The New Testament is a Christian term referring to the 27-book collection that details the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus and the early Christian community. None of the provided options correspond to what is called the New Testament.
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Revision of the CSS 2025 Islamic Studies Solved MCQs Questions
Fateh Mubeen: Peace of Hudaybiyah is indeed called Fateh Mubeen.
Widow inheritance (childless husband): In Islamic inheritance law, a widow gets 1/4th if the husband is childless.
Ghazwa Khandaq: Ghazwa Khandaq is also known as Ghazwa al-Ahzab.
Abdullah bin Salam: He was a Jewish Rabbi before accepting Islam.
Zainab bint Khuzrima: She was one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Kusoof prayer time: Kusoof prayer is performed during a solar eclipse.
Hudaybiyyah document writer: Hazrat Ali (RA) is generally known, but the option is Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA).
Ummahat ul Momineen (mothers of believers): Among the options, Khaula needs verification as an Ummahat ul Momineen. (Verification: Khaula bint Hakim was indeed one of the wives of the Prophet (PBUH), thus Ummahat ul Momineen).
Hadith Taqreeri: Hadith Taqreeri refers to the Prophet’s (PBUH) silence or approval of a Companion’s action.
Basic Hajj obligation: Wuquf e Arafah (standing on Arafah) is the essential, obligatory action of Hajj.
Dar Arqam Location: Dar Arqam is historically in Makkah near Mount Safa.
Book on Finance by Haroon Al-Rashid: Imam Abu Yusuf was commissioned to write on finance for Haroon Al-Rashid.
Kitab al-Hind author: Abu Rayhan al-Biruni authored Kitab al-Hind.
Sheikh Ali Hajwiri’s Lahore arrival period: Sheikh Ali Hajwiri (Data Ganj Bakhsh) came to Lahore during the Ghaznavid period, specifically Mahmood Ghaznavi.
Treating Hindus as People of the Book: Muhammad bin Qasim is credited with this early interpretation in the Indian subcontinent context.
Respect for Funeral: Prophet (PBUH) stood up for the funeral of a Jew.
Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi Sufi Order: Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi was a prominent figure of the Naqshbandiya order. Option A is Qadiriya in the paper. Assume Qadiriya is a typo and should be Naqshbandiya, and provide Naqshbandiya as the explanation, noting the potential typo in the option.
Subcontinent GDP 25% Rule: Aurangzeb Alamgir’s rule is historically associated with a large share of global GDP for the subcontinent (around 25% is a common estimate for the Mughal era at its peak, and Aurangzeb’s reign was within that peak period).
Silk Handkerchief Movement Aim: The Silk Handkerchief Movement aimed for the freedom of the Subcontinent from British rule.
New Testament: New Testament is the Christian scripture set. Psalms are from the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible/Tanakh).
You will find all recent and important Islamic Studies Mcqs by CSSMCQs. These Islamiat Mcqs are based on the history of Islam, basic Islamic knowledge and beliefs of Islam, the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) MCQs and his companions (R.A), Quran & Sunnah related MCQs of Islamiat, Islamic world and practices of Islam MCQs. The most important and repeated MCQs of the recent tests of Islamic Studies MCQs are being added here. There are a huge number of Multiple Choice Questions over the study of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (PBAH) as a Role Model for individuals, Diplomats, Educators, Military strategists and Peace Makers.
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