Milk is pasteurized at a temperature of _____?

A. 30°C
B. 40°C
C. 50°C
D. 60°C

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Correct Answer: 60°C

Pasteurization of Milk

Milk is pasteurized at a temperature of 60°C.

Introduction of Pasteurization

The process of pasteurization was named after Louis Pasteur who discovered that spoilage organisms could be inactivated in wine by applying heat at temperatures below its boiling point. The process was later applied to milk and remains the most important operation in the processing of milk.


The heating of every particle of milk or milk product to a specific temperature for a specified period of time without allowing recontamination of that milk or milk product during the heat treatment process.

Purpose of pasteurization

There are two distinct purposes for the process of milk pasteurization:

  1.  Public Health Aspect – to make milk and milk products safe for human consumption by destroying all bacteria that may be harmful to health (pathogens)
  2. Keeping Quality Aspect – to improve the keeping quality of milk and milk products. Pasteurization can destroy some undesirable enzymes and many spoilage bacteria. Shelf life can be 7, 10, 14 or up to 16 days.

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