CSS MCQs – Pakistan’s largest MCQs Website for CSS, PMS & All Other Competitive Exams
Here, you will find some important Solved CSS MCQs which are coming in every second test. Therefore, practice these Solved MCQs of CSS. Besides, you can also submit past papers mcqs in the comment box.
Important and Past Solved MCQs for CSS, PMS and Other Exams
What is the Capital of East Timor?
A. Dili
B. Ottawa
C. Seoul
D. Bangkok
What was the important element in the strength of the revolt of 1857?
A. leadership of nana sahib
B. leadership of rani of jhansi
C. support of bahadur shah D. Hindu Muslim unity
Which Country has the Largest Army in the World?
A. China
B. India
C. United States
D. North Korea
What was the real name of Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A)?
A. Abdullah ibn Uthman
B. Abu Turab
C. Sadiq e Akber
D. Saraqa bin jasham
The country with the highest ratio of the urban population in South Asia is__?
A. India
B. Sri Lanka C. Bhutan
D. Pakistan
When Quaid e Azam left Congress?
A. 1913
B. 1915 C. 192
D. 1918
Which Surah of Holy Quran throws light on the Halal and Haram of sacrificial animals?
A. Surah Al-Ma’idah
B. Surah Al Imran
C. Surah Al Nehal
D. Surah Al Raad
Name of Surah of Holy Quran which mentions the rights of the parents?
A. Surah Ahzab B. Surah Luqman
C. Surah Mudassar
D. Surah Al Maeda