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Solved FIA Assistant Director (AD) 2023 BATCH-1 | Past Paper MCQs

Here, you will get Solved FIA Assistant Director (AD) 2023 BATCH-1 | Past Paper MCQs conducted by FPSC today (2023-08-18). This FIA Assistant Director (AD) Paper 2023 MCQs were taken from social media where some of the statements may not be the same as those given in the paper today. Thus, we have compiled all the questions from the various sources. Furthermore, answers and options are included. Please note that these are shared by candidates and some of the answers might be wrong. Best of luck with your preparation!

Part-I. English MCQs = 20 marks [Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring ]

Section 1: Vocabulary:

Choose the correct Antonyms: for these MCQs

  1. What is the antonym of “Redolent”?
    A. Fragrant
    B. Odorless
    C. Aromatic
    D. None of these

  2. What is the antonym of “Irascible”?
    A. Calm
    B. Angry
    C. Furious
    D. None of these

  3. What is the antonym of “Obsolete”?
    A. Ancient
    B. Up-to-date
    C. Useful
    D. None of these

  4. What is the antonym of “Weird”?
    A. Ordinary
    B. Normal
    C. Strange
    D. None of these

  5. What is the antonym of “Paucity”?
    A. Abundance
    B. Scarcity
    C. Overflow
    D. None of these

Choose the correct Synonyms for these MCQs:

  1. What is the synonym of “Traduce”?
    A. Praise
    B. Defame
    C. Honor
    D. None of these

  2. What is the synonym of “Pristine”?
    A. Dirty
    B. Original
    C. Tarnished
    D. None of these

  3. What is the synonym of “Sinew”?
    A. Strong
    B. Weakness
    C. Softness
    D. Delicacy

  4. What is the synonym of “Gregarious”?
    A. Shy
    B. Sociable
    C. Solitary
    D. Reserved

  5. What is the synonym of “Exonerate”?
    A. Condemn
    B. innocent
    C. Blame
    D. Accuse

Other MCQs of the English Portion.

1, Seeing is believing, here “believing” is a ______.

A. Noun
B. Gerund
C. Adverb
D. Adjective

  1. What is the correct spelling of the word?
    A. Acommodate
    B. Accomodate
    C. Accommodate
    D. Accommmodate

  2. He ran as quickly as he _____ run
    A. can
    B. should
    C. could
    D. None of these

  3. This house is superior __________ the other.
    A.  over
    B.  from
    C.  than
     D.  to

Other MCQs were from these areas

  1. Phrasal Verb on Put (by, for, on)
  2. Seeing is believing (believe is which noun)
  3. 1 conditional sentence
  4. Two question from Adj Comparative degree (superior and more efficient than)

Part-II. General Intelligence MCQs Test=80 marks

The head of OIC, Hissein Brahim Taha, belongs to which country?
A. Chad
B. Sudan
C. Egypt
D. Nigeria

  1. What percentage of the human body weight does the brain constitute?
    A. 1%
    B. 2%
    C. 5%
    D. 10%

  2. Which is the largest country by land area in the Middle East?
    A. Iran
    B. Saudi Arabia
    C. Turkey
    D. Iraq

  3. Who won the 2022 France presidential election?
    A. Marine Le Pen
    B. Emmanuel Macron
    C. François Hollande
    D. Nicolas Sarkozy

  4. Which country hosted the 5th Pakistan-China-Afghanistan dialogue?
    A. Pakistan
    B. China
    C. Afghanistan
    D. Russia

  5. Which country is famous for the tulip flower?
    A. Netherlands
    B. Belgium
    C. France
    D. Turkey

  6. In which year did Zulfikar Ali Bhutto visit Bangladesh?
    A. 1970
    B. 1971
    C. 1972
    D. 1974

  7. Which continent has the largest population?
    A. Asia
    B. Africa
    C. Europe
    D. North America

  8. Pakistan had a unicameral legislature in which years?
    A. 1956
    B. 1962
    C. Both 1956 and 1962
    D. Neither 1956 nor 1962

  9. Which country is commonly referred to as the “Land Down Under”?
    A. New Zealand
    B. Australia
    C. South Africa
    D. Argentina

  10. Which organ of the United Nations aims to promote peace through peaceful settlement of disputes by arbitration?
    A. Security Council
    B. General Assembly
    C. International Court of Justice
    D. Secretariat

  11. In 2022, which international organization suspended Russia’s membership?
    A. NATO
    B. WHO
    D. UNHRC

  12. What vision defect is corrected by a concave lens?
    A. Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
    B. Myopia (Nearsightedness)
    C. Astigmatism
    D. Presbyopia

  13. Complete the sentence: “He ran as quickly as he  _____ run”
    A. ran
    B. can
    C. could
    D. run

  14. Who led the Lawyers’ Movement in 2007-08?
    A. Imran Khan
    B. Asma Jahangir
    C. Aitzaz Ahsan
    D. Tahir-ul-Qadri

  15. How many chambers are there in the heart of a Frog?
    A. One
    B. Two
    C. Three
    D. Four

  16. The Russian space agency is called
    A. NASA
    B. ESA
    C. Roscosmos
    D. CNSA

  17. Which country has the highest Happiness Index in the world?
    A. United States
    B. Switzerland
    C. Denmark
    D. Finland

  18. Who was the first black justice of the US Supreme Court?

A. Thurgood Marshall
B. Clarence Thomas
C. Sonia Sotomayor
D. Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  1. What is the US date of independence?

A. July 4, 1776
B. July 2, 1776
C. July 3, 1776
D. July 5, 1776

Section 3: Mathematics

  1. What is 22% of 1100?
    A. 220
    B. 242
    C. 2420
    D. 24200

2. If 3x = 4y and 7y = 9z, what is the ratio between x and z?
A. 1:2
B. 3:7
C. 4:9
D. 2:5

3. If 4 number are added the average becomes 36. If one is remove the average becomes 32.Which number is removed.

A. 42
B. 48
C. 56
D. 62

Solve the following math problems:
A. Ratio: X:Y = 3:5, if Y=15, what is X?
B. Percentage: 20% of 250 is?
C. Arithmetic Series: What is the sum of the first 10 natural numbers?
D. Profit Calculation: Cost price = $100, Selling price = $130, Profit = ?

4 question ratio, 2 question Percentage, 1 On age, 1 Arithmetic series, 1 on Profit

  • Working on Maths MCQs, please visit this post later for those MCQs.

Section 4: Islamiat MCQs

  1. How many Umayyad rulers were there?
    A. 10
    B. 12
    C. 14
    D. 16

  2. What was the first capital of the Abbasid Caliphate?
    A. Baghdad
    B. Damascus
    C. Cairo
    D. Mecca

  3. Which Ummul Momineen was alive during the tragedy of Karbala?
    A. Aisha (RA)
    B. Hafsa (RA)
    C. Umm Salama (RA)
    D. Zainab bint Ali (RA)

  4. In which Para of the Quran is the first Sajda (prostration)?
    A. 9th
    B. 13th
    C. 15th
    D. 19th

  5. Which metal’s fountains were granted to Hazrat Suleiman (AS)?
    A. Gold
    B. Silver
    C. Copper
    D. None of these

  6. Which political party or alliance removed the government of Imran Khan?
    A. PPP
    B. PML-N
    C. PTI
    D. PDM

  7. Where will the Commonwealth Games 2026 be held?
    A. Birmingham, UK
    B. Melbourne, Australia
    C. Delhi, India
    D. Toronto, Canada

  8. What was the official mascot of the 2022 FIFA World Cup?
    A. laae’b
    B. Desert Cup
    C. Pearl Cup
    D. None of these

  9. Which civilizations thrived in the Indus Valley?
    A. Mesopotamian
    B. Egyptian
    C. Harrapa
    D. None of the above

  10. Who was the president of Pakistan from 2013 to 2018?
    A. Mamnoon Hussain
    B. Asif Ali Zardari
    C. Nawaz Shareef
    D. Arif Alvi

  11. Who was alive at the time of the Karbala tragedy?
    A. Hazrat Aisha (RA)
    B. Hazrat Umm Salma (RA)
    C. Hazrat Fatimah (RA)
    D. Hazrat Khadijah (RA)

  12. Alms given mainly to the poor and needy is mentioned in which surah of the Quran?
    A. Surah Yaseen
    B. Surah Touba
    C. Surah Rahman
    D. Surah Maryam

Section 5: FIA ACT MCQs

Not a single MCQ was given the prescribed syllabus of the FIA ACT 1974, however, all the MCQs were given from other ACTs of the SCHEDULE OF FIA ACT. All the MCQs were given from the areas of these ACTs. Most probably…

5 questions from the Pak Telecommunications act 1998
2 Questions from the NADRA Act 2016/18
4 questions from the Prevention of Smuggling of migrant act
2 questions from one ordinance of 2002

Please comment, share and send the other MCQs of the Assistant Director (AD) 2023 BATCH-1 Past Paper MCQs. Corrects are always welcome. Your shared MCQs with Answers will be updated here soon. This page will be updated over the course of time…




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