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SUMMARY of “Democracy stalls,” Dr. Niaz Murtaza, Dawn, October 3rd, 2023

The article highlights Pakistan’s complex relationship with democracy and the recurring desire for autocracy as a quick-fix solution to governance challenges. Despite being a democratic nation for 75 years, there remains no consensus on the importance of democracy among the population. Many mistakenly believe that good governance can be achieved through autocracy, prioritizing immediate economic progress, infrastructure development, and law and order over democratic principles like participation, tolerance, and human rights. The author argues that this perspective is naive, as history shows that regimes lacking in these principles ultimately fail to provide sustainable outcomes. The article also discusses various forms of autocracy and their limitations, emphasizing that democracy, despite its gradual maturation process, is the only way to ensure good governance. While Pakistan’s democracy has faced challenges, the solution lies in fair elections and democratic pressure for equitable reforms to address the country’s pressing governance issues.

Easy/Short SUMMARY:

Pakistan faces a recurring dilemma where some believe autocracy can deliver quick solutions for governance issues, ignoring the value of democracy. Democracy, with its focus on participation, tolerance, and human rights, is the only path to sustainable good governance. Autocracy has proven ineffective in most forms, and Pakistan’s history has been marked by periods of establishment control. The article stresses the need for fair elections and democratic pressure for reforms to achieve good governance quickly, as the nation’s situation cannot afford further delay.

SOLUTIONS of The Problem:

Promoting Democracy:

  • Public Awareness: Educate the public about the benefits of democracy, emphasizing participation, tolerance, and human rights.
  • Political Education: Incorporate democratic principles into the educational curriculum to foster a culture of democracy from an early age.
  • Civil Society Engagement: Encourage civil society organizations to advocate for democratic values and principles.

Democratic Pressure:

  • Media Advocacy: The media should play a role in promoting democratic ideals and holding politicians accountable for their actions.
  • Civil Society Activism: Civil society groups can organize campaigns and awareness drives to push for democratic reforms.
  • International Support: Engage with international organizations and governments to support democratic processes in Pakistan.

Election Transparency:

  • Electoral Reforms: Implement electoral reforms to ensure fair and transparent elections.
  • International Monitoring: Allow international observers to monitor elections and provide credibility to the electoral process.
  • Media Freedom: Ensure media freedom during election campaigns to enable fair coverage of all political parties.

IMPORTANT Facts and Figures Given in the article:

  • Pakistan has struggled to achieve a consensus on the significance of democracy, unlike most Saarc states.
  • The country has experienced a history of autocratic rule and establishment control.
  • Various autocracy types, such as monarchies, army regimes, and theocracy, have shown poor outcomes globally.
  • Dozens of democracies, including neighboring countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, have achieved positive results.

IMPORTANT Facts and Figures out of the article:

  • Pakistan’s democratic journey has been marked by periods of establishment control and interference.
  • The nation has not experienced unshackled democracy as seen in some neighboring countries.
  • Despite challenges, democracy has shown promising signs in Pakistan through constitutional, devolution, and fair poll efforts.
  • The next regime following fair elections is crucial for Pakistan’s future, with an emphasis on equitable reforms.

MCQs from the Article:

  1. What is the main argument in the article regarding governance in Pakistan?
    A. Autocracy leads to immediate economic progress.
    B. Democracy should prioritize economic development over human rights.
    C. Democracy, with participation, tolerance, and human rights, is essential for good governance.
    D. Pakistan has achieved consensus on the importance of autocracy.
    Answer: C. Democracy, with participation, tolerance, and human rights, is essential for good governance.

  2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a form of autocracy in the article?
    A. Monarchies
    B. Army regimes
    C. Theocracy
    D. Democracy
    Answer: D. Democracy

  3. What is emphasized as the solution to Pakistan’s governance challenges in the article?
    A. Autocracy with strong leadership
    B. International intervention
    C. Fair elections and democratic pressure for reforms
    D. Establishment control
    Answer: C. Fair elections and democratic pressure for reforms

  4. What role is attributed to the media in promoting democracy in Pakistan?
    A. Supporting autocratic leaders
    B. Providing biased coverage
    C. Advocating for democratic values and holding politicians accountable
    D. Promoting establishment control
    Answer: C. Advocating for democratic values and holding politicians accountable


  1. Naivete (noun) (سادگی): Lack of experience, wisdom, or sophistication; innocence.

  2. Despotism (noun) (تشددی حکومت): The exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.

  3. Tolerance (noun) (رواداری): Willingness to accept or tolerate differences, especially of opinions or behaviors.

  4. Abstract (adjective) (غیر مادی): Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.

  5. Devolution (noun) (مخصوصی کارکردی): The transfer or delegation of power and authority from a central government to regional or local governments.

  6. Equitable (adjective) (منصفانہ): Fair and impartial; just and reasonable.

  7. Maturation (noun) (پختگی): The process of becoming mature or fully developed.

  8. Pre-fruits (noun) (پہلے پھل): Early signs or indications of future results or outcomes.

  9. Hybrid (noun) (ہجڑا): A combination of two or more different things, resulting in something new or unique.

  10. Carte blanche (noun) (مخصوص اختیار): Complete freedom or authority to act as one wishes or thinks best.

  11. Khaki (noun) (خاکی رنگ): A dull brownish-yellow color.

  12. Unshackled (adjective) (بے زنجیر): Freed or released from restraints or constraints.

  13. Thorns (noun) (کانٹے): Difficulties or obstacles in a situation or plan.

  14. Autocracy (noun) (خودرائی): A system of government in which one person has absolute power and authority.

  15. Khaki elites (noun) (خاکی اشراف): A reference to the military elite, often associated with power and control.

  16. Pressurise (verb) (دباو ڈالنا): To use influence or force to persuade or compel someone to do something.

  17. Credibility (noun) (قابلیت): The quality of being trusted and believed in.

  18. Beating (noun) (شکست): The act of defeating or overcoming someone or something.

  19. Hybrid regime (noun) (ہجڑے نظام): A system of governance that combines elements of both democracy and autocracy.

  20. Make or break (phrase) (بنانے یا توڑنے کی صورت میں): A situation where success or failure is critical and decisive.

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