Who introduced the term “Intelligence Quotient” (I.Q)? (CSS MPT 2022)
A. William Stern
B. A.R Jensen
C. R.B Cattell
D. None of these
This is out default category.
A. William Stern
B. A.R Jensen
C. R.B Cattell
D. None of these
A. Cheerful
B. Sincere
C. Inelegant
D. Homespun
A. Seriousness
B. Apathy
C. Levity
D. Despair
A. Paternal
B. Crepuscular
C. Maritime
D. Marsupial
A. Hunched
B. Strong
C. Simple
D. Simian
A. Slim
B. Acute
C. Opaque
D. Thick
A. Childish
B. Boorish
C. Tempestuous
D. Disorderly