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What is often prescribed for viral infections in Pakistan?
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Correct Answer: Antivirals

What is often prescribed for viral infections in Pakistan?

A. Vaccines
B. Antibiotics
C. Antivirals
D. Painkillers


For viral infections, antivirals are the appropriate treatment option, although in many cases, viral infections are self-limiting and do not require specific medications. In Pakistan, antibiotics are often mistakenly prescribed for viral infections, despite the fact that antibiotics are effective only against bacterial infections, not viruses. Misuse of antibiotics in viral cases can lead to antibiotic resistance, a growing health concern worldwide, including in Pakistan.

Understanding the Treatment of Viral Infections in Pakistan


Viral infections are common in Pakistan and include diseases such as the common cold, flu, dengue fever, and hepatitis. While vaccines are used for prevention, especially for viral diseases like the flu or hepatitis, the treatment of viral infections usually involves symptom management and, in certain cases, antiviral medications. However, a concerning trend in Pakistan is the inappropriate prescription of antibiotics for viral infections, which can lead to serious health consequences.

Antibiotics vs. Antivirals

Antibiotics are designed to fight bacterial infections and do not work against viruses. Despite this, antibiotics are often overprescribed or misused in cases of viral infections in Pakistan. This misuse stems from a lack of awareness and the pressure on healthcare providers to offer some form of treatment. In contrast, antiviral medications specifically target viruses. They are used in more severe viral infections, such as hepatitis, HIV, and influenza, where antiviral drugs can help manage the virus and prevent its spread.

The Role of Vaccines and Painkillers

Vaccines are preventive tools and are administered to protect individuals from future viral infections. They are not prescribed as a treatment once the infection occurs but are vital in reducing the risk of contracting viral diseases. Painkillers, on the other hand, are sometimes recommended to manage symptoms like fever and body aches associated with viral infections, but they do not address the underlying viral cause.

Challenges of Antibiotic Misuse in Pakistan

One of the major challenges in Pakistan is the over-prescription of antibiotics for viral infections. This misuse contributes to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, where bacteria evolve to become resistant to the drugs designed to kill them. Antibiotic resistance leads to harder-to-treat infections and is a significant global health threat. In Pakistan, public health campaigns are working to raise awareness about the dangers of misusing antibiotics for viral infections.


The correct treatment for viral infections typically involves antiviral medications, while antibiotics are ineffective and should not be prescribed. Public awareness and healthcare reforms are crucial in addressing the misuse of antibiotics and ensuring that viral infections are treated appropriately in Pakistan. By promoting the correct use of antivirals and reducing the reliance on unnecessary antibiotics, the country can combat the growing issue of antibiotic resistance and improve overall public health.

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