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Antonym of GUMPTION is _________?
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Correct Answer: A (Apathy)

What is the Antonym of GUMPTION?

A. Apathy
B. Nerve
C. Initiative
D. Sagacity


GUMPTION is a term that signifies initiative, drive, or determination. It’s about having the courage, cleverness, or common sense to handle or solve a problem. Conversely, “apathy” represents a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. It’s the absence of motivation or passion. Hence, while gumption propels one into action, apathy holds one back.

Antonyms and Synonyms of GUMPTION

Type Words
Synonyms Initiative, Drive, Determination, Resourcefulness, Courage
Antonyms Apathy, Indifference, Lethargy, Passivity, Inaction

Delving Deeper into Gumption and Apathy

The Essence of Gumption

When we say someone possesses gumption, we’re highlighting their admirable qualities of resourcefulness and initiative. Such individuals aren’t afraid to take risks. They’re the ones who step up when everyone else backs down. Their zeal and spirit often make them stand out, enabling them to tackle challenges head-on.

The Silence of Apathy

In contrast, apathy is like a silent killer of dreams and aspirations. An apathetic person remains unresponsive, indifferent, and lacks the will to act. While gumption lights the path ahead with possibilities, apathy darkens it with hesitations.


Life often throws unpredictable challenges our way. It’s our reaction to these challenges that define us. While gumption pushes us to confront and conquer, apathy might cause us to retreat and regret.

The question remains:

Would you rather have the gumption to chase after what you want or let apathy dictate the pace of your life?

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