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What is the rank of Pakistan in the World Press Freedom Index 2023?

A. 101
B. 150
C. 163
D. 174

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Correct Answer: B (150)


The rank of Pakistan in the World Press Freedom Index 2023 is 150. Pakistan’s ranking im­proved by seven places in the 2023 World Press Freedom Index released by Reporters Without Bor­ders (RSF) as the country was placed at 150th posi­tion among 180 countries. While citing the reason for the improvement in Paki­stan’s position from 157 in 2022 to 150 this year, RSF noted that Pakistan achieved the improved ranking because, after the change of government in 2022, constraints on the media were loosened. It is a significant achievement as compared to last year when Pakistan came down to 157 in 2022 from its ranking of 145 in 2021 and the then prime minister Imran Khan was declared a press freedom predator along with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. This year India’s position on the Press Freedom In­dex further worsened as it dropped from 150 last year to 161 in 2023, losing 11 points. Citing reasons for slip in the ranking of India, RSF stated, “The violence against journalists, the po­litically partisan media and the concentration of media ownership all demonstrate that press freedom is in crisis in the world’s largest democracy.” The RSF report further noted that Modi has an army of supporters “who track down all online reporting regarded as criti­cal of the government and wage horrific harassment campaigns against the sources. Caught between these two forms of extreme pressure, many journalists are, in practice, forced to censor themselves”.

Pakistan’s Rank in World Press Freedom Index 2023


Press freedom plays a vital role in any democratic society, ensuring the dissemination of unbiased information and holding those in power accountable. The World Press Freedom Index, compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), provides insights into the state of media freedom worldwide. In the 2023 edition of the index, Pakistan’s ranking holds significance, shedding light on the country’s press freedom landscape.

Understanding the World Press Freedom Index:

The World Press Freedom Index serves as a comprehensive assessment of press freedom in countries across the globe. It takes into account multiple factors, including the independence of media organizations, the safety of journalists, legal frameworks, and the presence of censorship. Each country is assigned a rank that reflects its performance in these areas, providing a comparative analysis.

Pakistan’s Rank in World Press Freedom Index 2023:

In the World Press Freedom Index 2023, Pakistan’s rank stands at 150. This positioning underscores the challenges faced by journalists and media professionals in the country. While press freedom allows for the unrestricted flow of information and diverse opinions, Pakistan continues to grapple with certain constraints, affecting the ability of journalists to operate independently and report without fear.

The Factors Influencing Pakistan’s Rank:

Pakistan’s ranking in the World Press Freedom Index is influenced by various factors. These include concerns related to safety, as journalists in the country face risks and threats while carrying out their work. Additionally, legal frameworks and regulations surrounding media operations can impact the overall press freedom environment. It is crucial to address these challenges to foster a vibrant and unrestricted media landscape.

The Importance of Press Freedom:

Press freedom is an essential pillar of democracy, ensuring transparency, accountability, and the free flow of information. A robust and independent media is vital for a healthy society, empowering citizens with knowledge and enabling them to make informed decisions. It is incumbent upon governments, organizations, and individuals to promote and safeguard press freedom, fostering an environment that supports journalistic integrity and protects journalists’ rights.


Pakistan’s rank of 150 in the World Press Freedom Index 2023 indicates the ongoing challenges faced by journalists and media professionals in the country. Recognizing the importance of press freedom as a cornerstone of democracy, it is imperative to work towards creating an environment that encourages independent journalism, ensures the safety of journalists, and upholds the principles of transparency and accountability. By addressing these issues, Pakistan can progress towards a stronger and more vibrant press freedom landscape.

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