Which of the following is NOT the synonym of “Intel”?

A. Intelligence
B. Wisdom
C. Perception
D. Ignorance

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Correct Answer: D (Ignorance)


The word “Intel” is often used as an abbreviation for “Intel Corporation,” an American multinational technology company that specializes in designing and manufacturing microprocessors and other computer-related components.
The term “Intel” is derived from the word “Intelligence,” which refers to the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. It is also synonymous with words such as “wisdom” and “perception,” which denote similar concepts of mental sharpness, insight, and understanding.

“Ignorance,” on the other hand, refers to a lack of knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular subject. It is the opposite of “Intelligence” and its synonyms, as it implies a lack of mental sharpness, insight, and understanding.

Therefore, “Ignorance” is the word that is not a synonym of “Intel,” as it does not convey the same meaning or concept as the other options.

Synonyms of “Intel”:

  • Intelligence
  • Wisdom
  • Perception
  • Understanding
  • Acumen

Antonyms of “Intel”:

  • Ignorance
  • Unintelligence
  • Foolishness
  • Naivety
  • Incomprehension

In the Table, the synonyms of “Intel” are listed under the heading “Synonyms of ‘Intel'”, and the antonyms are listed under the heading “Antonyms of ‘Intel'”. Each synonym and antonym is represented as a list item within an unordered list (ul). Feel free to use this HTML code as a reference or modify it according to your requirements.

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