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24th August – Dawn Important Dawn Vocabulary List with Urdu Meaning

These words are vital for CSS exam preparation, as they cover a range of topics and concepts. Understanding and using them correctly will help you score higher in the English essay and précis paper, as well as in current affairs and Pakistan affairs papers where precise terminology is essential. So, improve your vocabulary and get ready for your exams. This list includes simple meanings to help you understand and use these words confidently. Whether you’re studying for CSS, PMs, IELTS, GRE or any other test, these words will help you succeed.

Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu translation
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu translation

100 Dawn Newspaper Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meaning

  1. Acute (شدید): Present or experienced to a severe or intense degree.
  2. Agenda (مقاصد): A list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting, or the underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group.
  3. Annihilation (خاتمہ): Complete destruction or obliteration.
  4. Arbiters (ثالث): A person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter.
  5. Aspiration (آرزو): A hope or ambition of achieving something.
  6. Bargaining Chips (مذاکراتی چال): Something used to gain an advantage in negotiations.
  7. Beseech (درخواست کرنا): To ask someone urgently and fervently to do or give something.
  8. Besieged (محاصرے میں): Surrounded by armed forces aiming to capture it or force surrender.
  9. Bestial (درندہ صفت): Of or like an animal; savagely cruel and depraved.
  10. Biodiversity (حیاتیاتی تنوع): The variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat.
  11. Burgeoning (بڑھتا ہوا): Growing or expanding rapidly.
  12. Buffer Zone (محفوظ علاقہ): A neutral area serving to separate hostile forces or nations.
  13. Brutally (بے دردی سے): In a savagely violent way.
  14. Ceasefire (فائر بندی): A temporary suspension of fighting, typically to allow for peace talks.
  15. Cessation (روک تھام): The process of ending or being brought to an end.
  16. Collaborate (تعاون کرنا): To work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something.
  17. Compromise (سمجھوتہ): An agreement reached by each side making concessions.
  18. Compliance (مطابقت): Conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard, or law.
  19. Connectivity (ربط): The state or extent of being connected or interconnected.
  20. Conflagration (آتش زدگی): An extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property, often used metaphorically for a conflict.
  21. Conducive (موافق): Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.
  22. Contenders (مقابل): People competing in a contest or competition.
  23. Controversies (تنازعات): Disputes or disagreements, typically when prolonged and public.
  24. Convoluted (پیچیدہ): Extremely complex and difficult to follow.
  25. Credibility (ساکھ): The quality of being trusted and believed in.
  26. Cremated (جلانا): Dispose of (a dead person’s body) by burning it to ashes.
  27. Cumulative (مجموعی): Increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.
  28. Depraved (اخلاقی طور پر گرا ہوا): Morally corrupt or wicked.
  29. Deprivation (محرومی): The damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society.
  30. Despicable (قابل نفرت): Deserving hatred and contempt.
  31. Despondent (مایوس): Feeling hopeless and in low spirits.
  32. Designated (مقررہ): Appointed to a specified position.
  33. Deterrence (روک تھام): The act of preventing an action through fear of the consequences.
  34. Dissident (مخالف): A person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.
  35. Disgruntled (ناراض): Angry or dissatisfied.
  36. Disproportionately (غیر متناسب طور پر): In a way that is out of proportion; excessively.
  37. Duplication (نقل): The action or process of duplicating something.
  38. Downstream (نیچے کی طرف): In the direction a stream or river flows.
  39. Egregious (انتہائی برا): Outstandingly bad; shocking.
  40. Elusive (ناقابل گرفت): Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
  41. Enforced Disappearance (جبری گمشدگی): The arrest, detention, or abduction of a person by the state or political organization without acknowledgment or legal process.
  42. Enrolled (داخل): Registered or signed up for a course or institution.
  43. Escalating (بڑھتا ہوا): Increasing rapidly.
  44. Eroding (کمزور ہونا): Gradually wearing away or diminishing.
  45. Erosion (خاتمہ): The gradual destruction or diminution of something.
  46. Expand (توسیع کرنا): To increase in size, number, or importance.
  47. Exacerbate (بگاڑنا): To make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse.
  48. Facilitate (آسان بنانا): To make an action or process easy or easier.
  49. Fiasco (ناکامی): A complete and ignominious failure.
  50. Fiscal (مالیاتی): Relating to government revenue, especially taxes.
  51. Foreseeable (متوقع): Able to be predicted or anticipated.
  52. Formidable (خوفناک): Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, or capable.
  53. Follies (احمقانہ حرکتیں): Lack of good sense or judgment; foolish actions.
  54. Gambit (چال): A calculated move or strategy.
  55. Genuine (حقیقی): Truly what something is said to be; authentic.
  56. Gross (بہت زیادہ): Very obvious and unacceptable; flagrant.
  57. Harassment (ہراسانی): Aggressive pressure or intimidation.
  58. Hostilities (دشمنی): Acts of warfare; conflict.
  59. Imminent (قریب الوقوع): About to happen; forthcoming.
  60. Impairing (نقصان پہنچانا): To weaken or damage something, especially a human faculty or function.
  61. Impartiality (غیر جانبداری): Equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.
  62. Indigenous (مقامی): Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
  63. Infrastructure (بنیادی ڈھانچہ): The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
  64. Insurgency (بغاوت): An active revolt or uprising.
  65. Instability (عدم استحکام): The state of being unstable; lack of stability.
  66. Intergenerational (بین نسلی): Occurring between different generations.
  67. Interlocutor (مکالمہ کرنے والا): A person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation.
  68. Irregularities (بے ضابطگیاں): Actions or practices that are not in accordance with established rules.
  69. Inequity (ناانصافی): Lack of fairness or justice.
  70. Legitimacy (جواز): The quality of being legal or in accordance with the law.
  71. Manifested (ظاہر کیا): Displayed or showed by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrated.
  72. Marginalized (حاشیہ پر دھکیلا ہوا): Relegated to a lower or outer edge, especially of society.
  73. Meltdown (تنزلی): A disastrous collapse or breakdown.
  74. Mercilessly (بے دردی سے): In a way that shows no mercy; cruelly.
  75. Militancy (انتہاپسندی): The use of confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause.
  76. Mitigating (کمی): Making something less severe, serious, or painful.
  77. Mobilizing (متحرک کرنا): To organize or prepare something, such as a group of people, for a purpose.
  78. Morale Booster (حوصلہ افزائی): Something that increases confidence or enthusiasm.
  79. Motivated (حوصلہ افزائی): Stimulated interest or enthusiasm for doing something.
  80. Monumental (شاندار): Of great importance, extent, or size.
  81. Muzzle (گگدانا): To silence or prevent someone from expressing their opinion.
  82. Nominal (برائے نام): Existing in name only, not real or actual.
  83. Non-transparency (غیر شفافیت): Lack of transparency or openness.
  84. Oblast (صوبہ): A type of administrative division in some countries of the former Soviet Union.
  85. Oblivious (بے خبر): Not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.
  86. Obscene (فحش): Offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency.
  87. Obstacles (رکاوٹیں): Things that block or hinder progress.
  88. OPD (بیرونی مریضوں کا شعبہ): Outpatient Department, a hospital area where patients are treated without being admitted.
  89. Patriarchy (پدرشاہی):A social system in which men hold primary power.
  90. Proxy War (بالواسطہ جنگ): A conflict where two opposing countries or groups support combatants that serve their interests instead of waging war directly.
  91. Proliferation (پھیلاؤ): Rapid increase in numbers.
  92. Radical (انتہا پسندانہ): Relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something.
  93. Reconciliation (مفاہمت): The restoration of friendly relations.
  94. Remittance (حوالہ): A sum of money sent, especially by mail, in payment for goods or services or as a gift.
  95. Resilient (لچکدار): Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
  96. Retained (برقرار رکھا): Continued to have something; kept possession of.
  97. Rigging (دھاندلی): The act of dishonestly organizing an election or manipulating results.
  98. Saboteurs (تخریب کار): People who engage in sabotage, the act of deliberately destroying or damaging something.
  99. Self-reliant (خود پر منحصر): Reliant on one’s own powers and resources rather than those of others.
  100. Sludge (کیچڑ): Thick, soft, wet mud or a similar viscous mixture of liquid and solid components.
  101. Structural Violence (ساختی تشدد): A form of violence wherein social structures or institutions harm people by preventing them from meeting their basic needs.
  102. Stunting (پست قدی): The impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation.
  103. Subsidy (سبسڈی): A sum of money granted by the state or a public body to help an industry or business keep the price of a commodity or service low.
  104. Succumbed (ہتھیار ڈال دیے): Failed to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.
  105. Surveillance (نگرانی): Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.
  106. Systemic (نظامی): Relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.
  107. Transaction (لین دین): An instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.
  108. Trickle (بہاؤ): Flow in a small stream.
  109. Unilateral (یکطرفہ): Performed by or affecting only one person, group, or country involved in a particular situation.
  110. Vulnerable (ناتواں): Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed.

This list is comprehensive and includes various concepts critical for exams like CSS. It is often said that DAWN is the Bible for CSS exam preparation. If you’re considering appearing for competitive exams but neglecting to read a newspaper, you’re making a significant mistake. Now is the time to start reading newspapers daily, especially DAWN, and regularly focusing on its editorials and opinion sections.
Additionally, pay special attention to the vocabulary we share daily. Based on my 8 years of experience, I have observed that FPSC frequently selects words for the precis paper directly from newspapers. It has often been noticed that words related to similar events have appeared in past CSS exams. Those who read the newspaper daily tend to store these words subconsciously, allowing them to recognize and use the correct words in the exam without needing to rely on external sources for vocabulary building.

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