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Daily 8th Aug Dawn Newspaper Vocabulary PDF Download

Welcome to your ultimate resource for enhancing your vocabulary skills with our Daily Dawn Vocabulary PDF downloads. Here, you’ll find an extensive collection of vocabulary lists sourced from the renowned Dawn newspaper, meticulously curated to help you excel in your language proficiency. Whether you’re preparing for competitive exams, improving your English for professional growth, or simply passionate about expanding your word bank, our daily vocabulary PDFs offer you the convenience of learning on the go. Stay updated, stay informed, and elevate your language skills with our comprehensive vocabulary resources. Download your daily dose of words now and start mastering new vocabulary every day! These words are vital for CSS exam preparation, as they cover various topics and concepts. Understanding and using them correctly will help you score higher in the English essay and précis paper, as well as in current affairs and Pakistan affairs papers where precise terminology is essential. So, improve your vocabulary and get ready for your exams with our latest list of 140 important vocabulary words from Dawn. This list includes simple meanings to help you confidently understand and use these words. Whether you’re studying for CSS, PMs, IELTS, GRE or any other test, these words will help you succeed. Check out the meanings of these important words and start using them in your daily practice today!

100 Dawn Newspaper Vocabulary Words with Urdu meaning

  1. Clamour (شور): Loud and persistent outcry from many people.
  2. Capacity Payments (صلاحیت کی ادائیگیاں): Payments made to power producers to ensure they can meet demand.
  3. Ironically (ستم ظریفی سے): In a way that is opposite to what is expected.
  4. Inexorably (ناگزیر طور پر): In a way that is impossible to stop or prevent.
  5. Devaluation (قدر میں کمی): Reduction in the value of a currency.
  6. Subsidised (سبسڈی دینا): Supported financially.
  7. Lobbying (لابنگ): Attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government.
  8. Oscillated (جھومنا): Moved or swung back and forth.
  9. Projections (تخمینے): Estimates or forecasts of future situations.
  10. Innovate (جدت): To make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods or ideas.
  11. Fluctuations (اتار چڑھاؤ): Irregular rising and falling in number or amount.
  12. Disparity (تفاوت): A great difference.
  13. Humble (عاجز): Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.
  14. Segments (حصے): Parts into which something is or can be divided.
  15. Dysfunctions (خرابی): Abnormal or impaired functioning.
  16. Billionaires (ارب پتی): Individuals whose net worth is at least one billion units of currency.
  17. Permanent (مستقل): Lasting or intended to last indefinitely.
  18. Consumption (کھپت): The using up of a resource.
  19. Exploration (کھوج): The action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it.
  20. Interventions (مداخلت): Actions taken to improve a situation.
  21. Prescient (پیش گوئی کرنے والا): Having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.
  22. Demographic (آبادی سے متعلق): Relating to the structure of populations.
  23. Panache (رونق): Flamboyant confidence of style or manner.
  24. Outpace (پیچھے چھوڑ دینا): To surpass or exceed in speed or performance.
  25. Distributional (تقسیمی): Relating to the way something is shared out among a group or spread over an area.
  26. Per Capita (فی کس): Per person.
  27. Dubious (مشکوک): Hesitating or doubting.
  28. Empowerment (بااختیار): Authority or power given to someone to do something.
  29. Secularism (لادینیت): The principle of separation of the state from religious institutions.
  30. Marginalize (پسماندہ بنانا): To treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral.
  31. Crony Capitalism (دوست سرمایہ داری): An economic system characterized by close, mutually advantageous relationships between business leaders and government officials.
  32. Repressive (جابرانہ): Inhibiting or restraining the freedom of a person or group of people.
  33. Subservient (مطیع): Prepared to obey others unquestioningly.
  34. Arbitrator (ثالث): A person appointed to settle a dispute.
  35. Despots (آمر): A ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically one who exercises it in a cruel or oppressive way.
  36. Protest (احتجاج): A statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something.
  37. Political Economy (سیاسی معیشت): The branch of social science that studies the relationship between individuals and society and between markets and the state.
  38. Revolution (انقلاب): A forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system.
  39. Secularists (لادینی): People who advocate for separation of the state from religious institutions.
  40. Literacy Rate (شرح خواندگی): The percentage of people who are able to read and write.
  41. Exemptions (چھوٹ): Deductions allowed from gross income to reduce the amount of income subject to tax.
  42. Chronic (دائمی): Long-lasting and difficult to eradicate.
  43. Misinformation (غلط معلومات): False or inaccurate information.
  44. Ambitions (عزائم): Strong desires to achieve something.
  45. Mechanism (طریقہ کار): A process or system for achieving a result.
  46. Rob (لوٹنا): Take property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force.
  47. Decimated (تباہ کرنا): Destroy or kill a large proportion of something.
  48. Threshold (حد): The level at which one starts to experience something or at which something starts to happen.
  49. Preferential (ترجیحی): Giving or showing advantage to one over another.
  50. Unabashedly (بے شرمی سے): Without embarrassment or shame.
  51. Suo motu (از خود نوٹس): An action taken by a court of its own accord, without any request by the parties involved.
  52. Intervention (مداخلت): Interference by a state or an international organization in another’s affairs.
  53. Untaxed (غیر محصول): Not subject to tax.
  54. Undertaxed (کم محصول): Subject to a lower tax rate than others.
  55. Incentives (ترغیبات): Things that motivate or encourage someone to do something.
  56. Privileges (خصوصی اختیارات): Special rights or advantages available to a particular person or group.
  57. Drastically (شدت سے): In a way that is likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect.
  58. Ambition (عزم): A strong desire to do or achieve something.
  59. Awareness (آگاہی): Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
  60. Faceless (بے چہرہ): Lacking identity or individuality.
  61. Brutal (ظالمانہ): Extremely violent or cruel.
  62. Grapple (مقابلہ کرنا): Struggle or wrestle with.
  63. Xenophobic (غیر ملکیوں سے نفرت): Having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
  64. Frenzy (دیوانگی): A state of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior.
  65. Spewing (اگلنا): Pouring out forcefully.
  66. Disregard (نظر انداز کرنا): Lack of consideration or respect.
  67. Consequences (نتائج): The results or effects of an action or condition.
  68. Ethnic (نسلی): Relating to a population subgroup with a common national or cultural tradition.
  69. Perpetrator (مجرم): A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.
  70. Deterrent (رکاوٹ): Something that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.
  71. Condemn (مذمت کرنا): Express complete disapproval of.
  72. Rhetoric (خطابت): The art of persuasive speaking or writing.
  73. Scapegoated (قربانی کا بکرا): Blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others.
  74. Myopic (قلیل النظر): Lacking foresight or intellectual insight.
  75. Opportunistic (موقع پرست): Exploiting immediate opportunities, especially regardless of planning or principle.
  76. Revulsion (نفرت): A sense of disgust and loathing.
  77. Infiltrated (دراندازی کرنا): Enter or gain access to.
  78. Comprehensive (جامع): Complete and including everything that is necessary.
  79. Proximity (قربت): Nearness in space, time, or relationship.
  80. Unsettling (پریشان کن): Causing anxiety or uneasiness.
  81. Grievances (شکایات): Complaints or resentments, especially unfair treatment.
  82. Protesting (احتجاج کرنا): Expressing objection to something in a public way.
  83. Blockade (ناکہ بندی): An act of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.
  84. Impose (نافذ کرنا): To establish or apply by authority.
  85. Resolution (قرارداد): A formal decision or expression agreed on by a legislative body or other formal meeting.
  86. Subsidised (سبسڈی دی گئی): Financially supported by the government to reduce costs for consumers.
  87. Loadshedding (لوڈشیڈنگ): Interrupting the power supply to avoid overloading the system.
  88. Limbo (معطل حالت): An uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution.
  89. Autonomy (خود مختاری): The right or condition of self-government.
  90. Constitutional (آئینی): Relating to an established set of principles governing a state.
  91. Judicious (عقلمندانہ): Having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense.
  92. Fragile (ناتواں): Easily broken or damaged.
  93. Revenue (آمدنی): Income, especially when of a company or organization.
  94. Measures (اقدامات): Actions taken to achieve a particular purpose.
  95. Elected (منتخب): Chosen by voting.
  96. Committee (کمیٹی): A group of people appointed for a specific function by a larger group.
  97. Compliance (تعمیل): The action of complying with a wish or command.
  98. Framework (فریم ورک): A basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text.
  99. Inclusive (جامع): Including all the services or items normally expected or required.
  100. Collaborative (اشتراکی): Produced or conducted by two or more parties working together.

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English MCQs by CSS MCQs

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Synonyms Mcqs Idioms And Phrases Mcqs
Antonyms Mcqs Active and Passive Voice Mcqs
Tenses Mcqs Direct And Indirect Speech Mcqs
Correct Spelling Mcqs CSS Vocabulary MCQs
Pair of Words Mcqs: 100 Most Important English Idioms
ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION Mcqs 65 Most Important Idioms
English Important Prepositions English Grammer Mcqs

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