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Here, you will five hundred MCQs of Health and Physical education for FPSC, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, NTS, PTS, UTS, OTS  and competitive exams of Pakistan.


101 Cardiovascular system disorders are those disorders, which involve the _________ Arteries, veins and lymphatic’s
102 Central nervous system consists of: Brain ad spinal column
103 Chronic injuries are treated with Ultrasond
104 Cognition deals with: All of the above
105 Cretin Phosphate releases energy? With the help of ATP
106 Cross country race are firs held at international level in 1903
107 Cross country races team consist of 6 Players
108 Cycling is the national game of_________ France
109 Davis Cup is associated with? Lawn Tennis
110 Diameter of the Shot Put circle is 2.135 M
111 Discus / Hammer / Short put through sector ___________ 34.92
112 Disease or Injury affecting the wall of blood vessel is Hemorrhage
113 Distance for Marathon race is measured as 43.19 M
114 Distance of Marathon for women ____________ 42.195 km
115 Diureties: Increase the body’s output of urine
116 During a hockey match, if the ball is stuck in the Goalkeeper’s pads then game is restarted By Bully
117 During exercise, the Cardiac Minute volume in the average man may rise form fur litres to? 15 litres
118 During heavy exercise, the supply of blood increases toward: Skeletal Muscle
119 During muscular contraction, if there is no change in the size of muscle, this contraction is said— Isometric
120 Endurance training increases the muscle’s capacity to: Burn fat and carbohydrate
121 Fatigue comes during training due to? Lactic acid
122 First Asian Games held in ___________ 1951
123 First World Athletic championship held in which country _________ Funland
124 For complete treatmetn of sports injuries, one shoud depend upon Physiotherapy
125 For endurance dominating sports, the died should be rich in: Skinfold caliper
126 For remaining fit and healthy, what is most important? Routines
127 For the first time the circle of Shot Put was used in the year 1904
128 For the good health which type of exercises are necessary? Regular
129 For very high force contractions lasting 1-2 seconds, the initial energy source is from: Atp stores
130 From center the thickness of discuss for men in 44-46 MM
131 From where the game of Kabadi Started __________ Bar-e-sagheer
132 Fuel used by the body while doing the exercise intensity is: Less carbohydrate & more fat
133 Funds for the sports programs can be collected thorugh? Public, Donations, Gifts, Alumni Asso.
134 Gastronomies muscle located in the posterior lower____________. Leg
135 Getting the right fact to the right people at the right time in the right way is called? Public Relations in Sport
136 Goniometer is an equpment which is used to measure? Angle of Joint
137 Goniometer measures Flexibility
138 Ground of Golf is called _________ Course
139 Hammer Throw competition was included in Olympic game in 1900
140 Hammer Throw event for women was included in Sydney Olympic 2000
141 Harvard step test is a test for measuring? Cardio Vascular Endurance
142 Having to pass a swimming proficiency test prior to enrolling in an advance swimming course is an example of what? Criterion reference standard
143 Hdyrotherapy’ is given using: Water
144 Health is primarily a responsibility of the? Individual
145 Height of Valley Ball Net for men ______________ 2.43 m
146 Height of Valley Ball net for women ______________ 2.24 m
147 High jump runway distance _____________ 14 m
148 Hormone secreted by parathyroid is? Parathyroid hormone
149 How many 400 meter hurdle height for women? 0.84
150 How many categories in international wrestling________ 2
153 How many entries are allowed per event in Athletics in Olympics? 3
154 How many events are there in Heptathlan? 7
155 How many height of goal post of foot bal poll? 8 feet
156 How many hurdle height for man? 1.067
157 How many kind of muscle in human body? 3
158 How many members of FIFA at 2008 _____________ 208
159 How many meters are there in one mile? 1609.344
160 How many muscle in human body? 656
161 How many Olympic Gold medals won by Pakistan Hockey team 3
162 How many Pakistani athletes participate in 1948 Olympic games ________________ 5
163 How many player in a team of a Valley Ball ___________ 6
164 How many player in foot bal team? 11
165 How many players in SarkalKabadi game _________ 11
166 How many referees are required for a foot bal match? 1
167 How many Silver medals in Olympic won by Pakistan Hockey team ___________ 3
168 How many time Pakistan Tennis team participate in SAF Game _____________ 3
169 How many time Rasheed Malik won National Tennis Championship ______________ 4
170 How many tissue in human body? 4
171 How many types of joints there in human body? 3
172 How many types of tracks are there? Three
173 How many years Jhangir Khan remain Unbeated _________ 5 years
174 How may height of cricket bat? 38”
175 How much eater is expected by the human body per day at regular temperatures? 1 gallons
176 How much meter circle was used in 1904 Olympics? 2.13 M
177 How much protein a working woman must intake every day? 37gm
178 How much time is given in long jump to Athlete for his one try? 1 Minute
179 How we get injured in games? When rules of games are not followed
180 Human _______ are about 8 micrometers in diameter and about 2 um at their thickest and have a biconcave shape. Red blood corpuscles
181 IAAF stand for ?International Armature Athletic Federat.
182 ICC stand for __________ International Cricket Council
183 If a muscle is injured after a vigorous workout, one can exercise after 36 hrs.
184 If player is less thatn 8, how marry traits will be gine? 6
185 If someone feels difficulty to see at long distance clearly disease is called? Myopia
186 If the mean of five scores is 25 and standard deviation is 0, what will be the value of fifth score? 25
187 If we take every nth number as a sample formthe list of th population it is called? Systematic Sampling
188 Imaginary line passing laterally from one side to the other is called. Lateral axis
189 In 100 meter women hurdle race the height of the hurdles __________ 0.84 m
190 in 110 m hurdles, the numbr of tirdes performed between two hurdles is? 8
191 In 1921 the team of Vally Ball consist on how many players ___________ 12
192 In 1962 Asian games how many medals won by Pakistan in wrestling_______ 14
193 In 1970 Asian games how many medals won by Pakistan in wrestling_______ 2
194 In 3000 m steeple chase, the unmber of watr jump is 7 the total no of jumps are? 35
195 In 400 meter race last athlete Stagger ____________ 7.67 m
196 In a cardiac cycle what is the ratio of ventricle systole and ventricle diastole? 0.3 sec/ 0.5 sec
197 In addition to the _______many other important classes of compounds circulate in the blood plasma. Proteins
198 In ancient shot Pur discuss was throw from High Stag (Chabotra)
199 In Cross Country race the red flag at track indicate to Turn left
200 In English soldiers how much weight and volume Shot put was popular 16 pound