Neither of you _____ wrong.
have been
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Correct Answer: B (is)

Complete the sentence: “Neither of you _____ wrong.

A. are
B. is
C. were
D. have been


When using the words “neither” and “either,” it’s important to remember that they are followed by a singular verb. These words indicate one person or thing from a group.

In the given sentence, the correct option is “B. is,” as the correct completion is: “Neither of you is wrong.”

“Hence, the correct sentence is: Neither of you is wrong.”

Understanding Singular Verb Usage:

Singular verbs are used when referring to a single person, thing, or entity. This rule also applies to the words “neither” and “either.” These words indicate that one out of two options is being referred to, making the subject singular.

For example:
– Neither of the books is suitable for the course.
– Either of the options is acceptable.

Using the correct singular verb agreement ensures grammatical accuracy and clarity in your sentences.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

A common mistake when using “neither” and “either” is using plural verbs, as in “are” (Option A) in the provided multiple-choice question. Remember that even if the subject refers to multiple individuals or things, the verb remains singular when using “neither” and “either.”

For instance:
– Incorrect: Neither of them are going to the party.
– Correct: Neither of them is going to the party.


Understanding subject-verb agreement is essential for constructing grammatically correct sentences. When using “neither” and “either,” always pair them with singular verbs to convey accurate meaning and maintain proper sentence structure. By following this rule, you can enhance your writing skills and communicate more effectively.

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