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31. Slavery, forced labour, etc. are prohibited in Article ______, of the Constitution of 1973
A. 11 B. 11-A
C. None of above

Answer: Option A 32. Article 12 of the Constitution of 1973 provided protection against

A. Terrorism B. Illegal detention
C. Retrospective punishment

Answer: Option C 33. Article 13 of the Constitution protects from

A. Illegal B. Unfair trial
C. Double punishment

Answer: Option C 34. No person shall be subjected to torture for the purpose of extracting evidence is provided in Article _____, of the Constitution 1973

A. 14 B. 14(I)
C. 14(2)

Answer: Option C 35. Article 15, of the Constitution of 1973 provided freedom of

A. Speech B. Movement
C. Schooling

Answer: Option B 36. Freedom of assembly is provided in Article _____ of the Constitution of 1973

A. 121 B. 15
C. 16

Answer: Option C 37. Freedom of ______ is provided in Article 17 of the Constitution of 1973

A. Assembly B. Association
C. None of above

Answer: Option B 38. Article 18 of the Constitution, 1973 deals with

A. Freedom of trade B. Freedom of business or profession
C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option B 39. Every citizen shall have the right to have access to information in all matters of public importance subject to regulation and reasonable restrictions imposed by law is provided in Article ______, of The Constitution of 1973

A. 18 B. 19
C. 19A

Answer: Option C 40. Article ______ of the Constitution, 1973 provided safeguard against taxation for the purpose any particular religion

A. 20 B. 21
C. 22

Answer: Option B 41. Protection of property rights is ensured in Article _____ of The Constitution of 1973

A. 22 B. 23
C. 24-A

Answer: Option C 42. Right to information is provided in _______ of the Constitution of 1973

A. Article 15 B. Article 19
C. Article 19-A

Answer: Option C 43. According to Article ________ of the Constitution, all citizen are equal before law

A. 19 B. 25
C. 27

Answer: Option B 44. State is responsible for the protection of family, marriage, mother and child as provided in

A. Article 28, of the Constitution B. Article 35, of the Constitution
C. Article 36, of the Constitution

Answer: Option B 45. According to 1973 Constitution ______ is head of the State

A. President B. Prime Minister

Answer: Option A 46. The State shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minorities including their due representation in Federal and Provincial Services is provided by Article ______ of the Constitution 1973

A. 35 B. 36
C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option B 47. Article ______, of the Constitution, deals with Promotion of social justice and eradication of social evils

A. 36 B. 37
C. None of above

Answer: Option B 48. In Constitution of 1973 minimum age limit for President is held

A. 35 years B. 45 years
C. 55 years

Answer: Option B 49. Before entering upon office under Article _______, the president shall make oath before the Chief Justice of Pakistan

A. 40 B. 41
C. 42

Answer: Option C 50. President is empowered by Article ________ of the Constitution to grant pardon, reprieve, and respite and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence

A. 45 B. 56
C. 47

Answer: Option A 51. President can be removed from his office by the Parliament on ground of physical or mental incapacity or misconduct through

A. Court proceeding B. Process of impeachment
C. Process of election

Answer: Option B 52. Article _______ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with removal or impeachment of President

A. 45 B. 46
C. 47

Answer: Option C 53. Article 48 of the Constitution of 1973 bounds the President to act upon advice of

A. Cabinet B. Prime Minister
C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C 54. Article 49 of the Constitution of 1973 empowers _____ to perform functions of President in absence of the President

A. Chairman of Senate B. Speaker of The National Assembly
C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option A 55. Constitution of 1973 provide ______ kind of Parliament

A. Uni cameral B. Bi cameral
C. Tri cameral

Answer: Option B 56. Lower House of Pakistan Parliament is called

A. National Assembly B. Senate


If the aforementioned Answer is Wrong. Leave a Reply with an authentic source.