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80. Disqualification on grounds of defection of Members of Parliament is provided in Article ______ of The Constitution
A. 62 B. 63
C. 63A

Answer: Option C 81. Article 66 of the Constitution deals with privileges of _________

A. Members of Parliament B. President
C. None of above

Answer: Option A 82. The Presiding Officer of the Senate is called

A. Speaker B. Deputy Speaker
C. Chairman

Answer: Option C 83. Minimum age for candidate of Senate is

A. 25 years B. 30 years
C. 35 years

Answer: Option B 84. It is restricted in Article _______ of Constitution that no discussion shall take place in Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) with respect to the conduct of any Judge of Supreme Court and a High Court in the discharge of his duties

A. Article 58 B. Article 68
C. Article 78

Answer: Option B 85. Article ______ of the Constitution of 1973 describes procedure for introduction and passing of bills in Parliament

A. Article 70 B. Article 71
C. Article 72

Answer: Option A 86. A bill can be pass by _______ in both houses of the Parliament

A. 1/3 majority of total membership B. 2/3 majority of total membership
C. 3/4 majority of total membership

Answer: Option B 87. According the Constitution of 1973 money bill can only be introduced in _________

A. Senate B. National Assembly
C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option B 88. Article 62 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with qualification of

A. Membership for Parliament B. Judge of Supreme Court
C. President

Answer: Option A 89. Article 89 of the Constitution of 1973 empowers ______ to promulgate Ordinances

A. Minister of Law B. Prime Minister
C. President

Answer: Option C 90. Formation of cabinet is provided in

A. Article 90 B. Article 91
C. Article 92

Answer: Option B 91. Under Article 90 of the Constitution of 1973 the executive authority of the Federation shall be exercised in the name of President by

A. The President B. Prime Minister
C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option A 92. _______ is the head of the Cabinet

A. Prime Minister B. Speaker
C. Chairman of Senate

Answer: Option A 93. According to Article 92 of 1973 Constitution the number of Federal Ministers and Ministers of State who are member of the Senate shall not at any time exceed ______ of the total number of Federal Ministers

A. 1?3
C. ?

Answer: Option B 94. Before entering upon office a Federal Minister or Minister of State the Minister shall make oath before

A. President B. Prime Minister
C. None of above

Answer: Option A 95. According to Article 93 of the Constitution the President can appoint _______ advisors on advice of Prime Minister

A. 2 B. 5
C. 10

Answer: Option B 96. Article 95 of the Constitution deals with

A. Vote of no confidence B. Appointment of Federal minister
C. None of above

Answer: Option A 97. Article 95 of the Constitution deals with vote of no confidence against

A. Prime Minister B. President
C. Chairman of The Senate D. Chief Minister

Answer: Option A 98. A resolution for vote of no confidence needs to be moved by not less than _____ % members of National Assembly against the Prime-Minister

A. 20% B. 40%
C. 50%

Answer: Option A 99. The President shall appoint a person being a person qualified to be appointed as a Judge of Supreme Court to be the ______ under Article 100 of the Constitution of 1973

A. Minister of law B. Auditor General
C. Attorney General for Pakistan

Answer: Option C 100. Under Article 101 of the Constitution of 1973 President appoint a ______ on the advice of Prime Minister

A. Chief Ministers B. Governor
C. Advocate General

Answer: Option B 101. To become an Attorney General of Pakistan the person must have qualification

A. To be appointed a Judge of Supreme Court B. To be appointed a Judge of High Court
C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option A 102. Minimum age limit for appointment of a person as Governor under Article 101 of the Constitution of 1973

A. 35 years and above B. 40 years
C. None of above

Answer: Option A

If the aforementioned Answer is Wrong. Leave a Reply with an authentic source.