If you have a magic brain, I am all ears.
What is the meaning of the phrase “I am all ears”?
A. I am very sad.
B. I have many ears.
C. I am very happy.
D. I am listening carefully.
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A. I am very sad.
B. I have many ears.
C. I am very happy.
D. I am listening carefully.
A. A pleasant sound
B. Being ignored or not listened to
C. Having a hearing impairment
D. A sudden loud noise
A. Balancing
B. Tumbling
C. Stabilizing
D. Collapsing
A. Lack of harmony or agreement.
B. A musical composition with multiple voices.
C. A state of confusion or uncertainty.
D. The ability to perceive different colors.
A. A warning about the potential consequences of negative actions or decisions.
B. A metaphor for unpredictable weather patterns.
C. A reference to the importance of agricultural practices.
D. A statement about the power of nature over human endeavors.
A. Consequence
B. Repercussion
C. Branching
D. Complication