Islamic Studies Mcqs

CSS Islamic Studies MCQs |
Islamic Studies Mcqs by CSSMCQs
You will find all recent and important Islamic Studies Mcqs by CSSMCQs. These Islamic Studies Mcqs are based on the history of Islam, basic Islamic knowledge and beliefs of Islam, the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) MCQs and his companions (R.A), Quran & Sunnah related MCQs of Islamiat, Islamic world and practices of Islam MCQs. most important and recent tests of Islamic Studies MCQs, Islamiat and Islamiyat MCQs will be shared here on a daily basis. Besides, all past paper MCQs of CSS Islamiat will also be provided here with CSS paper reference and CSS Islamiyat MCQs papers section A.
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Who was the first caliph in the Umayyad dynasty? (CSS MPT 2022)
A. Hazrat Muawiyah (RA)
B. Hazrat Usman (RA)
C. Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (RA)
D. None of these » Read More…
For how long did the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and his companion remain in the siege in Shi’ab-e-Abi-Talib? (CSS MPT 2022)
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. None of these » Read More…
The wealth/property left by the deceased is called? (CSS MPT 2022)
A. Taraka
B. Sadaqa
C. Asaba
D. None of these » Read More…
What is ‘Rabbi Zidni Ilma’? (CSS MPT 2022)
A. Hadith
B. Asar
C. Qur’anic verse
D. None of these
What is the name of the Islamic Constitutional Organization of the government of Pakistan? (CSS MPT 2022)
A. Pakistan Sharia Council
B. Islamic Ideology Council
C. Islamic Economic Council
D. None of these
The first-ever international treaty in Islamic history is known as: (CSS MPT 2022)
A. Hilf-ul-Fuzool
B. Baia’t-e-Rizwan
C. Treaty of Madina
D. None of these
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