How many time the word ‘Mubeen’ is repeated in Surah Yasin? [Islamiat 2022]
A. Six times
B. Seven times
C. Eight times
D. Nine times
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A. Six times
B. Seven times
C. Eight times
D. Nine times
A. Hazrat Abu Bakkar (RA)
B. Hazrat Umar (RA)
C. Hazrat Ali (RA)
D. Hazrat Usman (RA)
A. Battle of Badr
B. Battle of Uhad
C. Battle of Tabuk
D. Battle of Yaqmoq
A. Caliph al-Hakim
B. Harun al-Rashid
C. Shaikh Mujeeb ur Rahman
D. None of thes
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50
A. Desert of Al-Sharqiyyah
B. Desert of Arabian
C. Desert of Sinai
D. Desert of Yasrab
A. Mutawatir
B. Ijtihad
C. Ijma
D. None of these