What country has the highest percentage of obese adults?
A. United States
B. Nauru
C. India
D. Palau
Here, you may find CSS Optional Subjects MCQs. If you want to prepare MCQs of optional subjects, CSS MCQs platform is here to serve you while preparing your MCQs portion of your CSS Exam. Please practice these CSS Optional Subjects MCQs on a daily basis.
A. United States
B. Nauru
C. India
D. Palau
A. Weaker muscles
B. Shifting of the iris
C. Elongation of eyeballs
D. Weakening of the retina
A. Ghulam Shah Kalhoro
B. Mir Sohrab Talpur
C. Jahangir
D. Humayun
A. Sound
B. Depth
C. Distance
D. Frequency
A. Sea water is still while river water is running
B. Salinity of sea water is more than that of river water
C. Density of Sea Water is Least
D. Density of sea water is more than that of river
A. Cat
B. Elephant
C. Dog
D. Rat
A. A dicot
B. A monocot
C. A gymnosperm
D. A fern