CSS Sociology MCQS Past Papers


  1. According to Marxian philosophy in the industry the labour accepts less wages because:

A. he has left his home

B. he has no capacity to produce

C. he knows that the employer will not give him alternative job

D. he knows that his labour cannot be preserved

Ans. D.

  1. In complex economy of today the welfare of the workers is:

A. completely ignored

B. partly taken care of

C. given the highest priority

D. None of the above is true

Ans. B.

  1. The system under which if magic is injured, the person who believes in that also feels injured is known as:

A. imitative magic

B. contagious magic

C. positive magic

D. antimatism

Ans. A.

  1. Among the Tujan and Kurumb common type of family prevailing is:

A. polyandry

B. polygamy

C. monogamy

D. None of the above

Ans. A.

  1. Which one of the following is NOT a point of similarity between tribe and horde?

A. In both there are strong community feelings

B. In both similarity of blood relation is found

C. Both are well disciplined

D. Both have similar economic activities

Ans. C.

  1. Among the Bhil and Toda tribes common type of marriage is:

A. endogamy

B. exogamy

C. both endogamy and exogamy

D. neither endogamy nor exogamy

Ans. A.

  1. Which one of the following is NOT the feature of tribal religion?

A. magic plays big role in it

B. people have a full faith in supernatural power

C. there is no faith in animism

D. people have faith in animatism

Ans. C.


Important CSS, PMS Sociology Past Papers MCQS

1. When the researcher asks the respondent face to face question, this method is called: Interview guide

2. Power that people consider legitimate is known as: Authority

3. Social Structure of a society is the network of: Institutional relations

4. WID approach believes in: Incorporating women in development activities

5. Gerontology is the study of: Aged and Aging

6. The most pervasive of the social processes are: Competition

7. Abstract Sentiments are: Provide a focus for allegiance

8. The creative potential of personality is accounted for by: Drive psychology

9. The country with a better record for gathering population statistics than any other is: USA

10. The exception to the typical application of endogamy is: Kinship

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